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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1952-10-29
Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1952-10-29
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  1. Football, Raiders wide receiver
  2. 18th U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (2021-2024) U.S. Representative from Ohio (2008-2021)
  3. Singer/Musician
  4. Ron Sparks  (2)
    2010 Democratic Candidate for Governor of Alabama
  5. (born October 29, 1952) Russian cosmonaut at the Yuri A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, was born October 29, 1952 in the town of Kap-Yar, Astrakhan Oblast and currently resides at Star City, Moscow Region. He has traveled to space twice and has perfor