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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1946-07-03
Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1946-07-03
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  1. former college/NFL defensive end/tackle; played for University of Utah & Miami Dolphins; 2X Super Bowl champion; member of Dolphins 17-0 team
  2. jazz saxophonist
  3. Country Singer: 'Lookin' For Love (In All The Wrong Places)', 'You Can Bet Your Heart On Me'
  4. French writer, academician
  5. Former PM of Poland
  6. Actor
  7. Actor: Eastenders, Allo Allo.
  8. Author
  9. actor (attack of the 60-foot centerfold, nightbeast)
  10. Asian actor starred in Bloodsport Enter the Dragon (with Bruce Lee) Tiger Claws and many other movies Born 7/3/28