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StarTiger - Browsing Category Home->Other->Puppet , A-Z Filter: all
Browsing Category Home->Other->Puppet , A-Z Filter: all
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  1. Comic Book Cartoon Character
  2. Puppeteer-Star Wars Episode 1:The Phantom Menace(Yoda)
  3. Classic Mattel Doll
  4. Barney's Great Adventure Barney and Friends
  5. Comic Book, Movie, and T.V. Superhero
  6. Actor - Monkey Shines, GI Jane, Thelma & Louise, One Missed Call, Home Alone 4, Maid to Order, Melrose Place, Chicago Hope, Picket Fences, Everwood, Cane, To Have & To Hold, American Dreams, Good Company, Family Law, 1st & 10: The Championship
  7. Sesame Street Characters
  8. Sesame Street
  9. English Director And Voice Actor - Movie - ' Wallace & Gromit - Curse Of The Were Rabbit' (Oscar Winner Director) (2005). TV Series - 'Rex the Runt' (Voice)(1998-2001), 'Stoppit and Tidyup' (Animator)(1988), 'The Trap Door' (Animator)(1984)
  10. Puppet, star of The Basil Brush Show on CBBC
  11. American Male Cartoon Character (Warner Brothers)(1938- )
  12. British puppeteer, Muppet performer
  13. Fictional character
  14. Cartoon Character
  15. Sesame Street Character (1969- )
  16. 'Alice In Wonderland','Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy','Snow Queen'
  17. Star Wars character
  18. Won Who Wants to Be a Superhero Season 2
  19. Ryan Dillon  (2)
    Muppeteer, born 1988. The second official Elmo puppeteer, since 2013
  20. Disneyland Princess
  21. Disney Character
  22. Disney character from the movie Frozen
  23. Disney Princess
  24. Disneyland Princess
  25. Disney Princess
  26. Disney Princess
  27. Disney character from the movie Frozen
  28. Disneyland Princess
  29. CBBC Puppet Presenter
  30. Walt Disney, a dwarf in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)
  31. puppet
  32. Comic Book Character
  33. Muppet
  34. Muppet - Sesame Street
  35. Ride designer for Disney/Tommorrow land, lincoln, ect)involved in attractions for 1964 NY World's Fair, including the Ford Magic Skyway. At the time of the Kennedy assassination, was working on Abraham Lincoln exhibit for the State of Illinois pavilion
  36. The Huckleberry Hound Show!
  37. Official mascot of St. Cloud State University
  38. Iron Man  (2)
    Fictional character
  39. Joy  (2)
    Disney Character
  40. John Kennedy  (3)
    puppeteer and voice actor - Sesame Street, Dinosaurs, Pajanimals
  41. Muppet Movies, Sesame Street
  42. Kids character 'Take a Bite out of Crime'
  43. Muppet Movies
  44. Disney Character
  45. Disney Character
  46. Sesame street character best friend of big bird
  47. Disney character
  48. popular childrens puppets; t.v show/multiple movies
  49. Grouchy on Sesame Street
  50. Disney Cartoon Character
  51. WB Cartoon Character
  52. Mascot and everyones dough buddy
  53. Used to appear on CBBC and on commercial TV in LA Rat
  54. Muppet Movies
  55. Muppet character
  56. Disney Character
  57. Children's character 'Only YOU can prevent forest fires'
  58. SEGA Video Game Character
  59. Cartoon Character
  60. Children's tv show about a dog named martha whos speaks
  61. Marvel Comics character
  62. Comic characters
  63. Fictional character from Disney's The Princess and the Frog
  64. Real estate investor, purchaser of Brady Bunch home
  65. One of jim henson's muppets from the muppet show
  66. Sesame Street
  67. Walt Disney Character
  68. Disney Pixar character
  69. Puppeteer:Alice In Wonderland,Litle Shop Of Horrors,Dragonslayer
  70. Fictional character