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  1. 2024 candidate for VPOTUS as Cornel West's running mate
  2. Teacher, Civil Rights Activist, Writer. Books - The Legacy of a Freedom School and To Be Young Was Very Heaven: Women in New York Before the First World War
  3. American activist (1938-2009) in the Civil Rights Movement. Organizer of Students for Integration, a CORE Soul Force Member, a Freedom Rider, and one of the Americus Four who faced a death penalty for helping citizens legally vote
  4. First and current president of Eritrea
  5. Humanitarian, activist, and writer from Afghanistan. Moved to the USt after stepping on a landmine as a young girl. Won Good Morning America's Story of My Life contest in 2005 and published her memoir, The Other Side of the Sky
  6. American attorney and activist who served as the chief of staff to the director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management from 2015 to 2017
  7. Former chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s, & served a short term as the Minister of Justice for the Black Panther Party.Famous quote, 'violence is as American as cherry pie', Currently serving a life sentence
  8. Canadian Peace Activist
  9. Pussy Riot Member/Political Activist
  10. American veteran (1910-2007), served in the Spanish Civil War's Lincoln Brigade (seriously wounded in March 1937), and the US Army in WWII
  11. Polish Senator and Secretary of State, born 1950. Daughter of WWII Polish Forces hero Gen. W?adys?aw Anders and his wife, the entertainer Irena Renata Anders,
  12. Canadian Political Activist. Member of the Order of Canada
  13. Civil Rights activist and esteemed Osteopathist, born 1927. MLK Jr friend from school days. Led Albany Movement for voting rights in GA. Jailed with MLK, subbed for him on Meet the Press. On phone with Coretta when MLK killing announced
  14. Pianist,Composer
  15. American entrepreneur, event producer, and humanitarian. He gained distinction for his involvement in charitable events in the Southern California area, and through his family business Angelini Trading Company
  16. Centenarian an American newspaper editor, novelist, anti-racism activist, and founder of America's Intercultural Magazine
  17. Political activist, Brown Berets during Chicano Movement influential in development of Chicana feminist/1st female Prime Minister of Brown Berets, worked to include Chicana perspective in fighting for Mexican rights in LA in 60s & 70s
  18. Canadian civil rights leader. He was active in the nascent civil rights era in Canada, beginning with his arrival in 1947
  19. Founder of Wiki Leaks
  20. Politic
  21. 60's revolutionary member of The Weathermen
  22. Claimed to have invented Email in 1982, engineer, anti - vaccine activist, ran for US Senate in 2018 and 2020 and President in 2024 though foreign born
  23. 2004 Libertarian nominee for President
  24. Folk Singer/Songwriter - Woodstock Diamonds & Rust, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down (The Band cover), There But For Fortune (Phil Ochs cover), Farewell Angelina, Joe Hill, Love Is Just a Four-Letter Word, We Shall Overcome (gospel). Activist
  25. President, Communication Workers of America
  26. Jack Baker  (4)
    Gay activist; husband of Michael McConnell; in Minnesota 1971 they became the first same-sex couple to marry in the US
  27. 2022 Green Independent candidate for Maine Governor
  28. 2022 Green Party candidate for Texas Governor
  29. Nigerian environmentalist activist and poet, elected chair of Friends of the Earth International, Executive Director of Environmental Rights Action
  30. 24 year old student at Wagner Lutheran College when he was arrested in Jackson, Mississippi for his participation in a Freedom Ride. As part of the Freedom Ride, Bassford and six others took a bus from New Orleans to Jackson, Mississippi where they were a
  31. Korean War: One of the 'Non-Repatriated 23' who didn't return to the US after the end of the Korean War. Most ended up returning to the US; a maximum of 7 are still alive
  32. Grammy award-winning violinist & UN Goodwill Ambassador. Style is a fusion of classical, Hip-Hop, soul & dance. Collaborated with Kanye West, Jay Z, Alicia Keys, Britney Spears, Maroon 5, Patti Labelle, Janet Jackson, and John Legend
  33. Writer, activist, and political commentator
  34. Anti war activist niece of Danial Berrigan
  35. Former chair lady, US Commission on Civil Rights
  36. American Model - Miss America 1951. Accomplished Opera Singer, Political Activist, And Lecturer; her refusal to pose in a swimsuit inspired the pageant's sponsor to create the rival Miss USA pageant
  37. Civil rights leader
  38. Tuskegee Airmen, flew the b-25, b-29, b-52, b-24, b-50, b-17, b-47
  39. writer social activist
  40. 'Courageous Eight' member who registered black voters in Selma in the 50s-60s. All others are verified passed, but can't find much information on Mr. Blackmon. Possibly/plausibly deceased
  41. Civil rights activist, born 1952. 'Bloody Sunday' and the Selma March to Montgomery, co-founder of the Voting Rights Museum in Selma
  42. American political analyst who served as press secretary for Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and as a regular panelist on The McLaughlin Group
  43. Director and Head of Talent at Schmidt Futures. Served 5 years as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps. Serves on the board of Operation Gratitude. Co-author of Union: A Democrat, a Republican, & a Search for Common Ground
  44. Episcopal priest who was special assistant for religious affairs to D.C. mayors Marion Barry and Sharon Pratt Kelly. Blaxton wrote articles for publications and spoke at conferences on a variety of subjects
  45. President Texas NAACP/ties enabled him to make substantial changes, which include his handling of racial discrimination complaints against the Austin DPS that dismantled racial barriers that prevented minorities from becoming Texas Rangers
  46. American journalist, commentator, and op-ed columnist for The New York Times. In April 2021 Blow began hosting Prime with Charles M. Blow, a primetime show on the Black News Channel
  47. German politican
  48. Activist, Writer. Born 1918; Was the first lady of Costa Rica during President Jose Figueres Ferrer first term. After divorcing him she moved back to the United States. Is the subject of the documentary Married to the Revolution,
  49. Danish Resistance Fighter. Born 03/08/1912. Lives in Charlottenlund
  50. Jewish community leader
  51. Nobel prize winner 1970 for developement against world hunger. Born: 03/25/1914
  52. Dutch Male Former Politician Member Of The House of Representatives Of The Netherlands (1998-2000, And 2002-2007). Deputy Prime Minister Of The Netherlands (2007-2010)
  53. Activist. Member of the Weather Underground. Now a professor at Columbia School of Social Work
  54. California political activist
  55. 2024 Independent candidate for Vice President of the United States - running mate of his brother, Jay J. Bowman
  56. 2024 Independent candidate for President of the United States
  57. Martin Boyce  (2)
    Gay rights activist, veteran of the Stonewall uprising in 1969
  58. WWII American Air Force - Tuskegee Airmen (Class 45G)
  59. Librarian. First African American librarian in the city of Philadelphia
  60. One of the founders of Blue Lives Matter ( police lives matter)
  61. 2024 Constituion Party nominee for VPOTUS
  62. Tutored by Medgar Evers, Samuel Williams, J. Pious Barbour, & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as one of the 8 students in the only class Dr. King taught in his lifetime at Morehouse College/Known for activism, intellectual discipline, & oratory
  63. American Female Civil Rights Activist - President Of The 'Brown Foundation For Educational Equity, Excellence and Research', And Owner Of 'Brown & Associates, Educational Consulting Firm
  64. American Former Female History Makers. Suffragette Marcher, And A Woman Voter In The 1920 Election. (1896-2003)
  65. Canadian Female Whale Researcher
  66. American Female Author, Screenwriter, Activist, And Feminist - Novel - 'Rubyfruit Jungle'(1973), 'Six Of One'(1978), 'A Nose for Justice: A Novel'(2010), 'In Her Day: A Novel'(1976). Movie - 'The Slumber Party Massacre'(Writer)(1982) Plus Many More Books
  67. American Female Historic Person - Civil Rights Activist; She Was A Member Of The Little Rock Nine, A Group Of Nine African American Teenagers Who Integrated Little Rock Central High School, Arkansas (1957)
  68. German politician
  69. Edward Bernard Peter Buck, known as Ed Buck, is an American political activist and donor to the Democratic Party.
  70. President of El Salvador. Designed the 'iron fist' policy Of Palestinian heritage
  71. American Female Civil Rights Movement Activist, Teacher, Social Worker, Jewelry Retailer, And Newspaper Editor. Freedom Rider (May 17?21, 1961)
  72. American Female Activist - National Organization Women For Racial And Economic Equality, As Well As With The Sisters Against South African Apartheid, Genes And Gender, And Women's International League For Peace And Freedom (1980's-1990's)
  73. American Former Female Civil Rights Activist, Wounded On 'Bloody Sunday' In Selma March In 1965. In 1968, Martin Luther King Hid Overnight At Her House In Greensboro After A Speech Two weeks Before His Assassination, As The KKK Searched The Area For Him
  74. 'Tuskegee Airmen'
  75. Worked for richard nixon. handled tape recording system/Head of the FAA & ex-Haldeman aide, Butterfield disclosed existence of a tape-recording device in the Oval Office. The disclosure, made in July 1973 during the Senate Watergate Committee hearings
  76. American Female Historic Person - Civil Rights Activist. As A Girl Participated In The Student Protests That Led To The Davis v. School Board Of Prince Edward County Case That Became One Of The 5 Historic Brown v. Board Of Education Cases (1951)
  77. Conservative Radio Talk Show Host; Former CEO of Godfather's Pizza; Formed Exploratory Committee for President 2012
  78. Norwegian - Born American Female Gay Rights Activist Against Military Anti - Gay Policy. Former Colonel In The Washington National Guard
  79. 2004 Libertarian nominee for Vice President, author
  80. Author and Founder of The Caraway Group, Inc., a nationally recognized public relations and public affairs agency. She has played a major role in shaping the goals and objectives of the National Democratic Party
  81. Author, CIA officer, activist
  82. educator
  83. American Former Female Feminist, Writer, Newspaper Reporter, Media Advisor, Speechwriter, Political Humourist, And Public Relations Expert. TV Series Documentary 'Independent Lens' - 'Sisters of '77' (2005)
  84. American Former Female Humanitarian And Author - Novel - 'Land Of A Thousand Hills' (1999)
  85. Jimmy Carter's grandson arranged video release of Mitt Romney's statement of 47% remarks into hidden camera that may aided effected outcome of 2012 United States Presidential Elections
  86. English Female Author, Doctor, Torture Survivor. And Activist - Novel - 'Audacity to Believe' (1977), 'Good Friday People' (1991), 'Sharing The Darkness: The Spirituality Of Caring' (1988), 'The Loneliest Journey' (1995)
  87. Spanish Former Female Historic Person - Member Of The Socialist Youth Of Catalonia (PSUC) During The Spanish Civil War. She Was The Last Living Survivor Of The Nazi Concentration Camp 'Ravensbrück'.
  88. Self proclaimed,world-renowned expert on marijuana cultivation
  89. American Female Activist - Gun Violence
  90. Lebanese Politican. Current president of the Liberal Party in Lebanon
  91. South African activist. The film Catch A Fire was based on his struggle against apartheid
  92. Political activist, aka Based Stickman
  93. 29 year old story analyst at 20th Century Fox and Paramount Pictures when he was arrested in Jackson, Mississippi for his participation in a Freedom Ride. He took a bus from Montgomery, Alabama to Jackson, Mississippi where he was arrested, at the Trailwa
  94. {1927-1993} A Mexican-American, he became thr best known civil rights activists. He founded the United Farm Workers Union
  95. South African - Born Female Former Zimbabwean Politician - 'Minister of National Resources and Tourism' (1982-1990), 'Minister of Education', 'Minister of Information' (Both 1988-1990), 'Minister of Posts and Telecommunications ' (1990)
  96. Politician
  97. Ross Perot 1996 running mate as Reform Party VPOTUS nominee
  98. American Female Law Professor, Author, And Former Activist - 'Black Panther Party' (1960's). Novel - 'Liberation, Imagination and the Black Panther Party' (2001), 'Black Women's Autobiographies' (Editor)(2022). Movie - 'Zabriskie Point' (1970)
  99. American Female Activist, Human Rights Former Press Secretary, And Writer
  100. David Cobb  (2)
    2004 Green nominee for President
  101. 2020 Libertarian Party nominee for Vice President
  102. Phil Collins  (2)
    2020 Prohibition Party nominee for President
  103. Jamaican Female Former Barrister And Magistrate (1940-1980)
  104. American Female African Americans' Rights Activist. Pioneer Of The African American Civil Rights 'Movement (1954-1968)
  105. Former presidential candidate
  106. 2022 Green Party candidate for US Senate from California
  107. Jon Cooper  (3)
    Chairman of The DemCoalition
  108. Gay rights figure. Participant of the 1969 Stonewall Inn rebellion
  109. nobel peace laureate 1976
  110. One of the first black students admitted to Harry Harding HS in Charlotte, NC. Parents made her withdraw due to harassment; school has since been named in her honor
  111. Korean War: One of the 'Non-Repatriated 23' who didn't return to the US after the end of the Korean War. Most ended up returning to the US; a maximum of 7 are still alive
  112. established scouting for all
  113. Governement
  114. Peace activist
  115. American journalist and essayist. Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle prize for criticism and nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Received the Lillian Smith Book Award from the Southern Regional Council as well as more honors
  116. Cuban government official after Castro's revolution. Became a CIA asset. Was arrested for attempting to assasinate Fidel Castro. When released moved to Spain, where he became a doctor
  117. Peace Activist one of the Milwaukee 14
  118. Politician
  119. nobel peace laureat 2000
  120. (born 9 July 1917), a Polish orphan from the town of Otwock, was awarded the title of Righteous among the Nations by Yad Vashem in 1998, for saving the lives of Polish Jews during the Holocaust
  121. CEO of the 2016 and 2008 Democratic National Convention Committees, and the chief of staff to Howard Dean, the former chairman of the DNC. Former Acting Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management at the US Department of Labor
  122. 60's political activist educator
  123. Civil Rights Movement/Freedom Rider/Veteran of state's sit-in movement to end lunch counter segregation/Attempted to use white restrooms, were arrested for disorderly conduct & sentenced within the hour to a $200 fine & 60-day jail term
  124. One of the famous'Chicago 7' war protesters
  125. Israeli activist and fashion designer. Ex wife of Moshe Dayan
  126. 2024 PSL nominee for President of the United States
  127. Tuskegee Airmen
  128. Founder of Blue Lives Matter
  129. US Politician, Maryland (1822-82) Medical doctor, then into politics as a Whig, then a Democrat. Senator, 1877-79. Gave stirring speech to re-open investigation of controversial R.B. Hayes election, but unsuccessful
  130. American billionaire, businesswoman, philanthropist from Michigan. Secretary of Education in Donald Trump's Administration
  131. 2022 Green party candidate for Governor of Illinois, also has ran for Belleville, IL mayor
  132. Artist and social activist, born 1969. Wrongfully convicted of murder after a trial with no evidence or motive, exonerated after serving 27 years. Acclaimed for his golf course artworks
  133. Anti Vietnam war activist in the 1960's was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list 1970 Member of the Weather Underground-attorney-wife of Bill Ayers
  134. American former civil rights activist. She was president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter in Spokane, having resigned when it was revealed that she was Caucasian, not African-American
  135. Talk Show Host, Political Activist, Husband of Actress Marlo Thomas
  136. North Korean defector living in South Korea, the only person known to have successfully escaped from a 'total-control zone' grade internment camp in North Korea
  137. Actress Ashley Judd recited a poem by a Franklin teen Saturday at the Women's March on Washington./Nina wrote the poem 'Nasty Woman'
  138. (born 10 April 1918) is an Indian activist and journalist. He turned 100 in April 2018
  139. Alfred Dregger (December 10, 1920 - June 29, 2002) was a German politician of the Cdu. He was mayor of Fulda from 1956 to 1970 and chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group from 1982 to 1991
  140. Canadian feminist & peace activist.Born: 10/31/1908
  141. Co-Founder Of The DemCoalittion, has been featured on MSNBC
  142. Civil right activist; Little Rock Nine member
  143. Buffalo Soldiers of WW2 'Age 90'
  144. Filmmaker, founder of a music label, motivational speaker, philanthropist and author. Ziman works as a writer, producer and director and is known internationally for her work on behalf of saving abandoned children
  145. Centenarian, one of the last women alive to vote in the open election of 1920. Also saw the Wright Brothers in a flight demo on her honeymoon in 1915 at the San Francisco Pan Pacific Expo. (1896-2002)
  146. Nigerian women's rights activist
  147. 2024 Independent candidate for Vice President of the United States as Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai's running mate
  148. Military Analyst. Policical Activist. Released the top secret Pentagon Papers to the New York Times. Born: 1931
  149. US Army Veteran and Presidential Candidate 2024
  150. American journalist, author, and pundit on national security, terrorism, and Islamic extremism. Executive Director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism
  151. Democratic activist. Was the oldest attendee at the 2016 DNC Born 1914
  152. Agriculture minister, fishes and feeding (Ministra de Agricultura ,Pesca y Alimentación) from Spain (2002- )
  153. Australian Coast Watcher in Pacific theatre in WW II/Chiefly remembered for playing significant part in rescue of future President John F. Kennedy and his surviving crew after Torpedo Boat, PT-109, was sunk by enemy action in August 1943
  154. Civil Rights Activist & Author, widow of slain Civil Rights Activist Medger Evers
  155. Gay activist and science fiction author
  156. Civil rights activist
  157. Holocaust Survivor/Public Speaker
  158. BAMN and ANTIFA sctivist
  159. Staff Assistant to President John F Kennedy: Dan H. Fenn Jr. Gave a 'Ted talk' in January 2018 on differences between JFK's White House and the one of today
  160. Political scientist, author
  161. Civil rights activist (b. 1930), one of the last living organizers of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Named recording secretary of the boycott's MIA group, to Martin Luther King's presidency of the group. Pastor of one of the churches bombed during the boycot
  162. Wrote a diary during the siege of Sarajevo- Often Called 'The Anne Frank Of Sarajevo'(Author Zlata's Diary)- well known peace and human rights activist
  163. 13th president of the United States, serving from 1850 to 1853, the last to be a member of the Whig Party while in the White House
  164. Alaskan politician, activist, born 1924. Last living delegate to Alaska's Constitutional Convention upon Statehood in the1950s
  165. American political activist and author
  166. 1960's Activist.. Was one of 'The Weatherman'. (S.D.S)
  167. Co-founder of the Center for Labor Renewal, columnist and long-time activist. Served as President of TransAfrica Forum and was formerly the Education Director and later Assistant to the President of the AFL-CIO
  168. Democrat candidate running against Marjorie Taylor Greene in GA-14 (2022)
  169. Don Foley  (2)
    Gay Activist
  170. Peace Activist and Author wrote several books including Praying with Icons and Ladder of the Beatitudes
  171. Born 26 July 1910 is a Breton nationalist. His name in French was Jean-Adolphe Fouéré. He is the father of the actress Olwen Fouéré. He was born in Aignan, département Gers, France.He was
  172. Politician
  173. One of the 'Chicago 7' war protesters..1968
  174. Psychologist, Psychotherapist & political activist. She ran for NY Lt Governor, NY Governor, US President and Vice President under either the New Alliance Party of Independence Party of New York
  175. Creator of Pepe the Frog
  176. Author and political activist; co-wrote An American Family with husband Michael Galluccio
  177. Author and political activist; co-wrote An American Family with his husband Jon Galluccio
  178. Politician
  179. Victor Garber  (2)
    American politician in the state of Wyoming. Served in the Wyoming House of Representatives as a member of the Republican and Democratic Party
  180. 2024 PSL nominee for VPOTUS
  181. Reform Party activist who was 2nd chairman and started the Draft Perot effort and THRO
  182. Seán Garland  (2)
    Member of the original Irish Republican Army before it changed to the Workers Party, which he became president of in 2000
  183. 2024 Independent candidate for President of the United States
  184. American counterculture Hippie icon best known for his presence in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco in the 1960s and for co-founding 'The Farm', a famous spiritual intentional community in Summertown, Tennessee
  185. American (1910-2009), served in the Lincoln Brigade of the Spanish Civil War. Held as a POW from Jan 1938 to April 1939 in Spain. Had joined the Young Communist League in the early 1930s after a student trip to the Soviet Union
  186. Political Activist, critical of radical Islam
  187. Former East German politician, Head of state of East Germany from Dec. 1989-Apr. 1990
  188. Born August 6, 1920.He is the last survivor of the Companions of the Liberation
  189. Child involved with the 1950's Briggs v. Elliott case incorporated as part of the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education Decision. His mother was the last living adult defendant when she died.
  190. Centenarian, probably the last living woman to have marched in a suffragette parade and one of the last early Girl Scouts (in 1914). Voted in the first open election of 1920, plus later became a charter member, and President of the Republican National Wom
  191. David Gilbert  (2)
    1960's Radical. Activist, was member of 'The Weatherman,' group
  192. Author, former speechwriter to Reagan, Assistant Secretary of State under GHW Bush
  193. Reason magazine
  194. 1960's Political activist. 'The Weatherman,' group
  195. DUP Member of British Parliament
  196. (born 24 September 1917), is a physician, professor and politician in Durham Region. He served as an Ontario New Democratic Party Member of Provincial Parliament for two years in the Ontario legislature
  197. Original 1996 Green nominee for Vice President
  198. Florida High School Student & Activist for Gun Control/Former Marjory Stoneman Douglas student, quickly become one of the country?s most visible gun violence prevention activists at just 18 years old
  199. Bruce Gordon  (2)
    Former president of the NAACP
  200. Participated in the 1963 Selma civil rights campaign as a 16 year old boy, including the 'Bloody Sunday' march
  201. Tom Grace  (2)
    Survivor of the 1970 Kent State shootings. Shot in the ankle during the attack on students, he rode in the ambulance alongside one of the victims killed, Sandy Sheuer, as she was pronounced dead
  202. Reverend to Rosa Park's Church; Secretary of the MIA aka Montgomery Improvement Association that helped support the boycott, appeared at meetings led by MLK
  203. Whistleblower
  204. Bob Grant  (4)
    American radio host. Veteran of broadcasting in NYC, Grant is considered a pioneer of the conservative talk radio format and was one of the early adopters of the 'combat talk' format
  205. Lady whose parents were killed in a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas resturant and that faced a congressional hearing on Gun control
  206. White student who sued the Univ. of Michagan,for denying her admittance. Affirmative Action supporter and worker for
  207. Fred Gray  (2)
    Civil rights lawyer, preacher (born 1930). Defended Rosa Parks, Claudette Colvin, and the MIA during the Montgomery bus boycott. Worked with Martin Luther King and defended him in court. Named National Bar Association president in 1985
  208. Jim Gray  (3)
    2012 Libertarian nominee for Vice President, 2020 Libertarian candidate for President, Judge on Superior Court of Orange County, 2004 Libertarian nominee for US Senate from California
  209. Newspaper editor, politician and reformer. Encouraged readers to "Go West"
  210. Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
  211. Stephen Green  (2)
    21 year old student at Middlebury College in Vermont when he was arrested in Jackson, Mississippi for his participation in a Freedom Ride from Nashville, Tennessee to Jackson, Mississippi on June 10, 1961
  212. American journalist associated with Edward Snowden (NSA leaks)
  213. Civil Rights Activist/Former Black Panther, While with them, was involved in a bank robbery & served 12 years in prison. /As teenager Griffin was outside of Hotel Texas to greet the Kennedy's when they arrived in Fort Worth on November 21
  214. Activist, Attempted POW rescues in conjunction with the Vietnam War POW/MIA issue
  215. Government
  216. Argentine-Cuban pediatrician, Che Guevara's daughter
  217. Icelandic labour leader. Father of singer Bjork
  218. Politician
  219. German Resistance Fighter/Born:1/18/1907
  220. Original founder of the SDS movement(Students for a Democratic Society) 1962
  221. American businessman, political aide and author, born 1928. RFK assistant during the 1960 JFK campaign, and first Associate Director of the Peace Corps. Later an executive for the DeLorean car and pharmaceutical companies
  222. Aka..Granny D Political ActivistSubject of the HBO Program 'Run Granny Run' about her run for US Senator position at age 94. Born: 01/24/1910
  223. Assassin. Took part in the killing of Malcolm X. Lives in New York
  224. Natural Law Party candidate for President
  225. former Austrian political leader of FPO, now a member of BZO and governor of Carinthia
  226. American-born Israeli author/journalist. Has been active in Middle East reconciliation efforts. Chairman of Open House, an Arab-Jewish educational project in the working class town of Ramle. Featured in the 1984 documentary film Kaddish
  227. Third party US Presidential candidate 1992 for the Socialist Equality Party
  228. German politican for FDP born in 1921
  229. African American WWII veteran. A Montford Marine, served in Guam in 1944
  230. German Politican for SPD born in 1942
  231. Jamaican politician
  232. Wife of FBI Agent Russian Spy Robert Hanssen, movie Breach
  233. Bill Harris  (2)
    Bill/Emily Harris arrested.. Did their prison time, and now are free. (Patricia Hearst kidnapping)
  234. David Harris  (9)
    Journalist/author. Known chiefly for anti-war activist during Vietnam War. Notably as leading opponent of Draft. 1967 Harris found organization called the Resistance, which persuaded men of draft age to refuse to cooperate with Selective Service System
  235. US Politician, Tenn. (1818-97) House 1849-53, Gov. of TN 1857-62 and then its Confederate Gov.; US Senate 1877-97. In a split state, responsible for its Confederate alliance, sending troops and acting on the staffs of Southern Generals
  236. Tuskegee Airmen
  237. Writer from California. After graduating from the University of California, Berkeley, he attended Oxford University and started speechwriting as an intern in the Obama White House. He went on to join the U.S. Department of State's Policy
  238. Canadian clergyman. Since 1977, he has served as Senior Pastor of Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, a vibrant, inclusive & progressive church openly affirming for LGBT parishioners, & is one of Canada's leading gay rights activists
  239. Korean War: One of the 'Non-Repatriated 23' who didn't return to the US after the end of the Korean War. Most ended up returning to the US; a maximum of 7 are still alive
  240. Member of the 'Clinton 12', where a dozen students became the first to integrate a school in the South in the fall of 1956
  241. One of the 'Chicago7' war protesters from 1968
  242. Environmental activist and proponent of solar power. He rose to prominence in 1970 as the coordinator for the first Earth Day
  243. Newsmaker. Actress - Cry-Baby, Serial Mom, Pecker, Bio-dome
  244. Battle Zone Combat Rescue Pilot that fought for women's rights to fight in combat/Running for Senator for Texas
  245. Uprising of 1953 in East Germany (on June 17, 1954) Witness to the revolt because he is one of two figures caught in an archive photo of young men hurling stones against the Soviet tanks
  246. Plaintiff in the landmark case Heller vs District of Columbia, the first Supreme Court case to decide whether the 2nd Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms for self-defense
  247. Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Michigan
  248. Transgender activist, author, and veteran of the United States Navy. She is the creator of the Transgender Pride Flag
  249. Gay Rights activist, present at the Stonewall rebellion in 1969. A founder, director of the Stonewall Veterans Association
  250. Susan N. HermanPresident ACLU
  251. Dutch politician
  252. JFK - American attorney, activist, and leader in the Mexican American civil rights movement; met and introduced President John F. Kennedy at a speaking engagement before a LULAC assembly on November 21, 1963 In Houston
  253. American photojournalist, born 1927. Covered the Korean War, presidents, Krushchev, sports, NASA, and more. Named one of AP's Top 10 Civil Rights photographers. Took iconic photos of Rosa Parks' and Martin Luther King's arrests
  254. French diplomat, former ambassador, and French resistance fighter and BCRA agent. He participated in the drafting of 'the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' of 1948 ; born in 1917
  255. American conservative political activist, author, and former U.S. Navy SEAL. Regular commentator on Fox News, CNN, and Newsmax. Best known for promoting the birther conspiracy theory about Barack Obama
  256. Tuskegee Airmen 'LA Chapter'
  257. Tuskegee Airmen 'LA Chapter' B-25 Pilot with 477th Medium Bomber Group!
  258. US Politician, Georgia (1823-82) Confederate Gov. of Georgia 1862-65, US House 1875-77, US Senate 1877-82. Named 'The Peerless Orator.' Close friend to Jefferson Davis who spoke at Hill's Statue dedication in Atlanta after his death
  259. Public Activist for Enviromental & People's Causes
  260. Hinton was falsely arrested and held on Alabama's Death Row for nearly 30 years. His 1985 conviction was thrown out in 2014 after the Supreme Court found his case to be lacking any proof and found the defense did not act properly
  261. American politician, notable for being the titular defendant in the landmark civil rights case Obergefell v. Hodges, which he lost, resulting in the legalization of gay marriage everywhere in the United States.
  262. One of the 'Chicago7' war protesters. 1968
  263. US Realtor/Businessman, born 1943. Ambassador to Portugal (2005-2007), Republican operative. Met Eisenhower in the Oval Office while a military cadet in 1953
  264. Activist
  265. 2022 Green Party candidate for US Senate from North Carolina
  266. German politician
  267. 22 year old Morehouse College student,later a SNCC voter registration worker in the mid-1960s. Freedom Rider from Montgomery, Alabama to Jackson, Mississippi as part of a May 24, 1961 Freedom Ride. He was arrested the following day in Jackson for his invo
  268. The designer and creater of the1960's 'peace sign,' symbol
  269. Rape victim who became an activist. She changed New Hampshire law.
  270. Hooks, a lawyer, minister and pioneering judge who revived a flagging NAACP after he became its executive director in the late 1970s
  271. Political Commentator. Political Strategist. Frequent contributor to Fox News's O'Reilly Factor. Great-granddaughter of former President Herbert Hoover
  272. Environmental film producer and author
  273. Author and former driver/trainer who grew up in the harness racing industry. Official for the NBC Golf Channel's AM Tour in Washington D.C. and Baltimore. Spoken on Capitol Hill on representing the harness racing industry on equine welfare
  274. Civil Rights activist, part of the Selma marches, including the infamous 'Bloody Sunday' of 1965
  275. Women's and Civil Rights Leader
  276. One if the freedom riders, on the bus
  277. Attorney and Civil Rights activist, born 1947. Student participant in the Selma to Montgomery marches, including the violent Bloody Sunday clash
  278. Founder of Blue Lives Matter
  279. director of core civil rights activist
  280. president n.o.w.
  281. Civil Rights Activist
  282. Reverand, Civil Rights Leader, founder of 'Rainbow Push Coalition', author and lecturer
  283. 1960's Political activist. Member of the, 'The Weatherman' group
  284. Ukrainian singer (Susana Alimivna Jamaladinova), born 1983. Won Eurovision Song Contest 2016, with song '1944' about the Deportation of the Crimean Tatars
  285. John James  (5)
    Republican candidate from Michigan
  286. Politics/Activist
  287. Former professor know for his Pan-African Afrocentrist views
  288. South African Anti-Apartheid activist. Escaped from Pretoria Local Prison in 1979. Writer. Wrote Escape from Pretoria which was made into a film with Daniel Radcliffe playing him
  289. Politics
  290. One of two women awarded the Order of the Cross of the Eagle
  291. 17th president of the United States
  292. 2022 Libertarian candidate for MN-7
  293. Presidential advisor, pastor, theologian, author, activist, speaker and academic who served as the United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom from April 2011 to October 2013
  294. USMC Commander James Logan Jones Jr (b: December 19, 1943) is a retired Marine 4 star general who served from 1967 to 2007
  295. Politician & leader of the Civil Rights movement. 1st African American elected to Senate & 1st southern black female elected to the US House of Representatives. Received Presidential Medal of Freedom
  296. Author, american business executive & civil rights activist who worked for various civil rights organizations & law firms before becoming a close advisor to President Bill Clinton. Former executive director of the United Negro College Fund
  297. 2020 Libertarian Party nominee for President, 1996 LP nominee for VP
  298. Highly respected parasitologist, veteran of the Polish Armia Krajowa during World War II, poet, fisherman, translator and scientific administrator
  299. Former Prime Minister of Poland (2005-07)
  300. Author and political activist; created Kwanzaa in 1967
  301. Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
  302. Yemeni journalist and peace activist, receiver of Nobel peace prize 2011
  303. Teenager see in iconic 1967 anti-war photo by Marc Riboud, clasping a flower and gazing at bayonet-wielding soldiers. Photo was in Dec 1969 edition of Look magazine under title 'The Ultimate Confrontation: The Flower and the Bayonet.'
  304. Supercentenarian (1893-2005). One of the last living women voters of the 1920 election. Also witnessed a flight demonstration by the Wright Brothers in Indiana as a young woman
  305. Long Irish Republican Party activist. Age 104.
  306. Activist. Wife of Judge John W. Keefe
  307. Rights Activist
  308. Politician, member of Sinn Féin
  309. Political Activist, Son of Senator Edward 'Ted' Kennedy
  310. 26th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (2025-); Born on January 17, 1954
  311. American author and social entrepreneur. Served as SEO of City Year, an AmeriCorps national service program he co-founded. Led two unsuccessful campaigns for U.S. Senator from MA. Founded and worked with numerous social and political orgs
  312. David Kim  (2)
    California congressional candidate
  313. Hal King  (2)
    WWII: Tuskegee Airmen
  314. Vietnam US Army Vet 1969-1971/Assigned to LZJamie, later a artillery & the radio operator with infantry/Received Bronze Star
  315. Canadian lawyer, former president of the International Criminal Court
  316. Writer and Nazi Hunter
  317. One of the doctors who tried to save JFK's life after being shot
  318. German politician
  319. Freedom Rider
  320. Son of former German Chancelor Helmut Kohl
  321. NASA scientist and leader in the design of several robotic deep-space planetary missions.He is also an author, game developer, lecturer,photographer and environmentalist
  322. Russian female cosmonaut who was the third woman to travel to space and the first to make a long-duration spaceflight.She is now a member of the Russian parliament
  323. One of the survivors of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, August 6, 1945. He now promotes world peace
  324. American anti-war activist, United States Marine Corp veteran and writer who was paralyzed in the Vietnam War. Author of the memoir Born on the Fourth of July
  325. Puerto Rican political analyst, former husband of Governor Sila Maria Calderon, married her from 1978 to 2001
  326. Canadian author, journalist, political activist and real estate developer
  327. President of the environmental defense fund
  328. Respondent in Supreme Court case Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier(1988), that held public school student newspapers are subject to a lower level of 1A protection
  329. political and social activist
  330. Civil rights figure, Montgomery bus boycott. Her mother was a lifelong childhood friend of Rosa Parks, and Lacey as a young woman worked as an assistant to the MIA, led by Martin Luther King to organize the bus boycott after Parks' arrest
  331. Former Ralph Nader running mate
  332. Worked for Ronald Reagan, best known for the Laffer Curve
  333. Was photographed in the Pulitzer Prize Photo The Soiling of Old Glory Taken by Stanley Forman. 1977
  334. German 1968 student leader
  335. Television journalist, anchor, & author/Became friends with Muhammad Ali & F. Lee Bailey, & considered Martin Luther King, Jr. to be a personal mentor/Roomed with Mahalia Jackson/wrote Anne and Emmett/1st black 'weathergirl' for WBBM-TV
  336. Founder of GOProud
  337. Army captain helped plan invasion of Normandy
  338. James Lawson  (2)
    United Methodist pastor and civil rights activist
  339. Puerto Rican nationalist took part in the assault on the US House of Representatives in 1954
  340. Stephen Lee  (4)
    South African Anti-Apartheid activist. Escaped from Pretoria Local Prison in 1979. Played by Daniel Webber in the film Escape from Pretoria
  341. Was 11 years old on 1963 March on Washington DC
  342. German politician
  343. American political activist, the editor of Tikkun, a progressive Jewish interfaith magazine based in Berkeley, California, and the rabbi of Beyt Tikkun Synagogue in Berkeley
  344. Libertarian Party's Vice-Presidential nominee (1983) in the 1984 U.S. presidential election, sharing the party ticket with David Bergland.[1] The ticket received 228,111 votes (0.3%) to finish third overall
  345. Kent State student shot in the stomach and leg during the 1970 shooting, the closest to the line of fire of all the students hit
  346. Author and Senior Vice President, Director of Studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg Chair at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and a leading authority on U.S. foreign policy
  347. Secretary General/co-founder of the Council of Women World Leaders, which is composed 72 of women presidents, prime ministers, and heads of government. International, award-winning speaker/author re leadership, diversity, women in politics
  348. Tongan protester
  349. MAGA media personality
  350. Spanish minister of justice (2004-2007)
  351. Puerto Rican independence fighter, jailed in the United States, pardoned by President Barack Obama
  352. Member of Greenpeace who the Drew Barrymore character was modeled after on the movie Big Miracle
  353. Tuskegee Airmen 'LA Chapter'
  354. Civil Rights Leader
  355. Gay activist. She and the late Del Martin were the first gay people to be married in California
  356. African activist. Nobel Peace Prize (2004)
  357. American psychiatrist, parapsychologist, writer, & professor at Harvard Medical School. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, a leading researcher and writer on alien abduction experiences
  358. (Born 1914) First African American supervisor at the United States Department of Veteran Affairs and supercentenarian
  359. An activist and the national co-chair for the Women's March. She is an advocate of gun control, feminism and the Black Lives Matter movement.
  360. A lobbyist and political consultant. He was an adviser to the presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bob Dole, and was a national chairman of the presidential campaign of Donald Trump
  361. Vice Presidential candidate under the New American Independent Party in Colorado
  362. Civil rights activist, born 1925. After her children had been jailed during schoolkid civil rights protests, she felt the need to stand with them. She participated in the Selma march of 1965. She was one of the marchers tear gassed on 'Bloody Sunday', aft
  363. Civil Rights Activist during the Selma campaign. Was jailed as a tenth grader after student protests, and later tear gassed with his family during the Bloody Sunday March in 1965
  364. Running for President 2024 as a Libertarian
  365. Peace Activist was one of the Milwaukee 14
  366. South African Poet and activist. Hugh Masekela's younger sister
  367. Actor and activist; son of actor Morgan Mason and singer Belinda Carlisle; grandson of actor James Mason
  368. 2020 Republican candidate for President (challenged Trump in the primary)
  369. Holocaust Survivor portrayed in film 'Memoirs of Holocaust' Writing Teacher!
  370. Former PM of Poland
  371. Firefighter, 9/11 survivor
  372. Centenarian (1899-2008). One of the last women alive who voted in 1920, a 1918 Flu survivor, and the oldest Olympic torch bearer on the road to Salt Lake City in 2002
  373. 2022 candidate for MO US Senate, waved guns at protestors
  374. Gay activist; husband of Jack Baker; in Minnesota 1971 they became the first same-sex couple to marry in the US
  375. 'Tuskegee Airmen' (both Maintenance Chief & Pilot)
  376. Former member of the Black Panther Party, who was found guilty of murder of New York Panther Alex Rackley in 1970 and released in the 1980's
  377. 1960s civil rights activist/organized a boycott against a chain of stores (OK Supermarkets) that was exploiting and disrespecting the community where it relied on its profits
  378. Recognized as the founder of National Grandparents Day
  379. Member of the 'Clinton 12', where a dozen students became the first to integrate a school in the South in the fall of 1956
  380. American political scientist and international relations scholar, who belongs to the realist school of though
  381. LA City Controller. Also ran for Congress 3 times
  382. 2021 Libertarian nominee for NJ Governor
  383. Nobel Peace Prize winner of 1992
  384. Civil Rights Mississippi
  385. former NAACP president
  386. Harvey Milk  (2)
    Gay rights activist; murdered in 1978; his life was the basis for the movie 'Milk'
  387. (6 July 1874-23 Feb. 1970), Democratic partyactivist and feminist
  388. Welsh Professor who was a tutor to a 20 year old Prince Charles. It was portrayed in the tv show the 'Tywysog Cymru' episode of The Crown. He was vice president of Plaid Cymru, a political party advocating Welsh independence from the United Kingdom
  389. Alcatraz Inmate/Political activist, member Puerto Rican Nationalist Party/advocate Puerto Rican independence. 3/11/54, Rafael with fellow Nationalists entered US Capitol building armed with auto-pistols, fired 30 shots. 5 congressmen hit, all survived
  390. 2022 Libertarian candidate for FL US Senate
  391. Japanese-American Hiroshima survivor (1931-2023). American born, family moved to Hiroshima when he was five. Returned to the US after the war
  392. Author, political strategist, civil rights activist and public affairs adviser; best known for his work in anti-war and gay rights advocacy
  393. 2020 constitution party nominee for Vice President. Died in 2022
  394. Civil Rights Activist. Widow of Oliver Brown, the lead plaintiff in the 1954 landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
  395. President of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Spain (28 November 2006 - 27 December 2010)
  396. Documentary Filmmaker, author, labor/consumer advocate - Roger & Me, the big one, Bowling For Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11
  397. Polish Activist. Born: 11/13/1904
  398. Canadian physician and prominent pro choice advocate who has fought numerous legal battles for that cause
  399. US Politician, VT (1810-98) House 1855-67, Senate 1867-98. One of the founders of the Rep. Party. Pushed laws for federal funds to colleges, creation of Statuary Hall in the Capitol, helped draft 14th Amendment
  400. Former Italian terrorist turned writer, often speaks about his times with the Red Brigades
  401. Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
  402. Anti-Apartheid activist. Escaped from Pretoria Local Prison in 1979. The character of Leonard Fontaine in the film Escape from Pretoria is based on him
  403. White student civil rights activist, born 1941. Sit-ins and Freedom Rider, jailed. Raised in the deep south by a racist family whose ideas she had to fight against
  404. Centenarian (1899-2009). 1918 Flu survivor. One of the last living women to vote in the 1920 election. Teacher, and reading advocate throughout her life. Died 3 days before her 110th birthday
  405. Bishop Abel Muzorewa, 85, the first black prime minister of an interim white-dominated government before Zimbabwe's independence
  406. American economist, former university president, education adviser and civil rights advocate. One of Myers' most significant contributions is where he fought to sustain the establishment of historically black colleges
  407. Writer and award winning journalist. Co-wrote WE : A Manifesto For Women Everywhere with Gillian Anderson. Co-founded the campaign group Compassion in Politics. Contested several elections as a candidate for the Green Party
  408. Civil Rights Icon
  409. Pioneer Civil Rights Movement/1960 chairperson of student sit-in movement in Nashville?the first southern city to desegregate its lunch counters/arrested for civil rights activities culminated in imprisoned 30 days in 1961 while pregnant
  410. Singer and political and cultural activist for world peace
  411. German climate activist - Fridays for Future
  412. German journalist, found of 'Gruenhelme e.V.'. Famous for saving thousands of vietnames at cape anamur in 1979
  413. President for the League of Women Voters
  414. JFK - Retired Judge O'Brien met Kennedy first during his campaign in 1960, and repeatedly therafter, and later was appointed U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa by JFK. Flew 30 mission over Europe (WWII, lead bombardier) and earned the DFC
  415. Running for United States Senate 2010, social advocate from Delaware
  416. Politics
  417. From 1975 to 1983, O'Neill served as Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  418. Plaintiff in landmark US Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges, which established the recognized same sex marriage
  419. On June 26, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic primary in New York's 14th congressional district, defeating the incumbent, DCC Chair Joseph Crowley, in what has been described as the biggest upset victory in the 2018 midterm election season
  420. American activist, born Nathanial Burns in 1944. Joined Malcolm X's OAAU in 1965, then the Black Panthers, and later the Black Liberation Army. One of the 'Panther 21' accused by the feds of various violent acts. Caught in 1981, imprisoned until 2014
  421. Holocaust Survivor portrayed in film 'Memoirs of Holocaust'
  422. German Unesco Charity-Lady
  423. 2024 Libertarian presidential candidate. 2022 Libertarian candidate for GA US Senate, 2020 Libertarian candidate for GA-5
  424. 2000 Libertarian nominee for Vice President
  425. Unitarian Minister who was attacked with Rev. James Reeb in 1965 during the Selma March campaign. Reeb died and became a martyr to the cause
  426. Former Hacker. Helped hacking team Lizard Squad with the hack that took PlayStation offline
  427. 2024 Vice Presidential nominee for American Solidarity Party
  428. American (1915-2008), served in the Spanish Civil War's Lincoln Brigade. Had joined the Communist party in the 1930s, later hassled by the FBI and HUAC. Left the party when he saw Stalin's actions. Worked also in the civil rights movement
  429. (born 30 January 1918) is a Croatian historian, archivist and orientalist from Herzegovina. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1935 and was ordained for a priest in 1941
  430. Foreign policy adviser served President Trump's 2016 president campaign. 10/05/17, Pled guilty making false statements to FBI agents about contacts with Russia in 2016 relating to U.S.-Russia relations & emails stolen from Clinton campaign
  431. Former Prime Minister of Greece, son of Andreas Papandreou
  432. mother of the civil rights movement
  433. Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
  434. Freedom Rider
  435. Romanian politician, president of the Christian Democratic National Peasant's Party
  436. Conservative Activist
  437. Peace Activist. Associated with the Chicago 8
  438. Libertarian candidate running against Marjorie Taylor Greene in GA-14 (2022)
  439. Spanish Activist and Writer. Considered to be the last Spanish socialist militiawoman. Fought against the Franco government
  440. Nobel peace lauteate 1980
  441. 2016 presidential candidate, libertarian nominee for NH Governor in 2020
  442. 2004 Libertarian nominee for WA Secretary of State
  443. Freedom Rider
  444. Women's Rights Activist
  445. 2022 Libertarian candidate for IL Lt. Governor, 2020 Libertarian candidate for VP
  446. American Tea Party activist, communications consultant, national spokesperson for the Donald Trump 2016 presidential campaign
  447. Jamaican centenarian, born 1916. Saw Marcus Garvey in 1928; one of the last living 'Garveyite' followers. In 2023, became the oldest living Jamaican, and the longest living Jamaican man ever
  448. Supercentenarian,one of the last woman voters of the first open election of 1920. (1893-2004)
  449. Member of Bundestag - Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery and a Federal Minister for Special Affairs
  450. American poet, essayist and critic. Her writing focuses on political & social issues from a left-leaning perspective, including abortion, racism, welfare reform, feminism, & poverty. She writes the 'Subject to Debate' column for The Nation
  451. 70th U.S. Secretary of State (2018-2021); 6th Director of the CIA (2017-2018); Kansas Representative (2011-2017)
  452. American academic known for his theories on economics, business strategy, and social causes. He is the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at Harvard Business School, and he was one of the founders of the consulting firm The Monitor Group and FSG
  453. Belarussian opposition journalist, jailed after his Ryanair plane was forced down while overflying Belarus
  454. Holocaust Survivor portrayed in film 'Memoirs of Holocaust'
  455. German political activist and ship captain (Sea-Watch), born 1988
  456. June 15, 1919 - January 23, 2011 Texas lawyer for more than fifty years. She was the first female prosecutor in Dallas County, Texas. She spearheaded a coalition to establish the Marital Property Act of 1967, and the Texas Family Code
  457. American economist, syndicated columnist, and entrepreneur
  458. Nobel peace laureate 1996
  459. Civil Rights Activist (1889-1979). Founder of Pullman Car Porter union, 1925. Led push to have FDR and Truman end military discrimination and segregation. Official head of the 1963 March on Washington. Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1964
  460. Filipino-American journalist and author, the co-founder and CEO of Rappler, and a Nobel Peace Prize 2021 laureate
  461. Author/Editor at Confronting Terror: 9/11 and the Future of American National Security
  462. Political Activist imprisoned for burning a section of the Dakota Access Pipeline
  463. Labor and consumer rights activist known as the 'Ralph Nader of Harlem' Born 1919,
  464. 2020 Alliance Party nominee for Vice President
  465. Civil Rights activist, born 1922. led the Cambridge Movement. One of the few women honored at the 1963 March on Washington, tho the mike was taken from her as she started to speak, due to efforts to keep women in the background at the time
  466. Tuskegee Airmen
  467. Civil Rights activist, born 1943. Worked with SNCC, the Selma march, and the Black Panthers. In Mississippi after James Meredith was shot, he coined the term 'Black Power!' which his friend Stokely Carmichael then helped popularized
  468. Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
  469. PSL nominee for NYC Mayor 2021
  470. Puerto Rican politician, born 1932. Fifth Governor of Puerto Rico (1977-85)
  471. Activist daughter of British Aristocrat Jessica Mitford, Mother of James Forman Jr
  472. Polish Holocaust Survivor (1924-2023) Plaszow, Pionki and Sachsenhausen Camps. Survived with parents, brother died. Later moved to Israel and the US. Chance meeting with a fellow Pionki survivor in 2022 led to friendship, and a documentary
  473. Great Grandson of President FDR
  474. Bloodline/Great Grandson of president FDR
  475. 26th US President, statesman, writer, explorer, 1858-1919
  476. Educator, social worker, activist and member of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. Born November 5, 1907
  477. Centenarian (1900-2003). One of the last living women to vote in the 1920 election, and one of the last to have visited the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair
  478. Writer/Anti-abortion activist founder & president of anti-abortion organization Live Action. Conducted undercover, investigative exposés of abortion facilities in the US, including affiliates of Planned Parenthood Federation
  479. American lawyer, political activist, boxer, and author who served as a judge of the New York Supreme Court
  480. Dennis Ross  (2)
    American diplomat, speaker and author. Served as the Director of Policy Planning in the State Department under President George H. W. Bush and the special Middle East coordinator under President Bill Clinton
  481. Holocaust Survivor portrayed in film 'Memoirs of Holocaust'
  482. Is a centenarian and an African-American civil rights activist, ordained minister, and attorney
  483. 1960's Political activist. 'The Weatherman,' group
  484. Libertarian political activist and candidate
  485. Vice Presidential Candidate running for the Christian Freedom Party 2008
  486. Indian Activist
  487. Pussy Riot Member/Political Activist
  488. US Politician (1827-1887). California Gold Rush '49er,' House 1861-63 and 1869-73, Senate 1873-79. Authored, introduced bill that would become the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote
  489. Former chairman of the Libertarian Party, and former candidate for Mayor of Phoenix
  490. 2022 Libertarian candidate for NH State House 17
  491. Ex leader of the National Union Of Mineworkers
  492. Centenarian (1896-2004). One of the last woman voters of the 1920 election, and campaigners for the right to vote beforehand. A WWII Goldstar mother, and a competitive ballroom dancer into her 100's who appeared with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show
  493. Author and activist
  494. 2022 Libertarian candidate for PA US Senate
  495. Czech-born Auschwitz survivor (1929-2023). Lost her parents and 5 siblings during the Holocaust. Married another Holocaust survivor and settled in America
  496. women's activist
  497. Fox News Political pundit, head of the American Conservative Union, husband of Mercedes Schlapp (White House Director Of Communications)