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  1. Civil Rights Freedom Rider who was beaten up registering voters in 1960s Mississippi
  2. Maitre d' who was leading Robert Kennedy through the kitchen at the Ambassador Hotel when he was assasinated by Sirhan Sirhan; he also helped subdue Sirhan
  3. One of the oldest people in the world. Lives in Japan. Born 1895
  4. Ueda worked for the Wakayama Prefectural Office. He served in the Japanese navy during the World War II. He also witnessed Hiroshima bombing
  5. USS Indianapolis Survivor/PFC
  6. Flight aviator / astronaut candidate
  7. Polish-American mathematician born 13 April 1909 ; participated in 'Manhattan Project', originated the Teller?Ulam design of thermonuclear weapons, invented the Monte Carlo method of computation.
  8. WWII: Survivor of the failed Operation Jubilee ('Dieppe Raid') on 19 August 1942, when 60% of the mostly Canadian landing force were either killed, wounded or captured
  9. Survivor and eyewitness to the 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami, the the highest recorded megatsunami and the largest known in modern times. Father of Sonny Ulrich. Now lives in Sitka, Alaska, U.S.A
  10. Last surviving eyewitness to the 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami, the the highest recorded megatsunami and the largest known in modern times. He was 8 years old at the time, with his father and survived the huge wave. Now lives in Sitka, Alaska, U.S.A
  11. USS Indianapolis Survivor
  12. WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor, 7 December 1941. USS Helena
  13. Assistant news director at KRLD-TV in Dallas , James was on the scene moments after the assassination on November 22
  14. WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor 7 December 1941, Navy Hospital Ship USS Solace (AH-5), medical corpsman
  15. One of a team who worked on the construction of The Black Knight Rocket, the United Kingdom's first rocketry project after WW2. Lives on the Isle of Wight or in the UK
  16. WWII: ETO. Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945. 507th Regiment, 17th Airborne Division. Vietnam: Commander of the 1st Battalion of the 7th Cavalry (Custer?s unit)
  17. WWII: Wake Island Defender: Navy medical corpsman, POW, Battle of Wake Island, 8-23 December 1941
  18. WWII: ETO. D-Day (Utah Beach). Navy signalman second class who carried members of the 4th Infantry Division to Utah Beach
  19. WWII Rosie (1924-2024). Literally a WWII Riveter, on B-26 bombers, until Navy boyfriend married her on leave. Also, catcher on the company softball team. Born in Swedesburg, Iowa, she ran the Swedish American Museum for decades
  20. Pearl Harbor survivor (born 1919), one of the last from the USS Utah
  21. Holocaust Survivor portrayed in film 'Memoirs of Holocaust' 'Graphic Artist'
  22. WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor. 25th Infantry Division. Later saw combat in Guadalcanal, Vella Lavella and Luzon
  23. Flight astronaut ASI
  24. Witold Urbanowicz (30 March 1908 17 August 1996) was a Polish fighter ace of the Second World War. According to the official record, Witold Urbanowicz was the second highest-scoring Polish fighter ace, with 17 confirmed wartime kills and 1 probable, not
  25. Serial killer
  26. Japanese pow worked on the bridge over river kwai,death railway and survived bombing at Nagasaki; author of the book 'The Forgotten Highlander'
  27. Former Under Secretary General of the United Nations, veteran of The Battle of Arnhem
  28. Fire Control, Recon Officer - SR-71
  29. High-ranking member of the Bonanno crime family in New York.
  30. Cosmonaut - MIR, ISS, Space Shuttle and 'Space Station IMAX 3D'
  31. Former Secretary of Labor (1976-1977)
  32. WWII: 11 war patrols as an officer on submarines USS Drum and USS Runner II
  33. Author/historian
  34. Veteran of Polish-Soviet War. Born: 1902. (1920 Battle of Warsaw)
  35. Russian born historian and senior researcher with the Yusupov Palace. She has studied Rasputin for 22 years
  36. Flight scientist
  37. WWII: D-Day+1; 175th Reg., 29th Infantry Division, Omaha Beach. Also in the Battles of St. Lo and Brest
  38. WWII: ETO. 793rd Military Police Battalion, Company B. Landed at Utah Beach 3 weeks after D-Day. His battalion mainly was responsible to guard the supply lines of the Red Ball Express. Also guarded Eisenhower, Montgomery, Churchill
  39. Former soldier in the Japanese Imperial Army and a prisoner of war in the Soviet labour camps, who came to media prominence in April 2006 after it was found that he had been living voluntarily in Ukraine for six decades after the end of World War II. He h
  40. Housekeeping director at Parkland Memorial who lowered flag to half-mast after death of President Kennedy