Was featured as an infant in Nazi propaganda after her photo won a contest to find 'the most beautiful Aryan baby' in 1935. Taft's image was subsequently distributed widely by the Nazi party in a variety of materials, despite being Jewish
One of two of Holocaust last living survivors of Nazi death camp Treblinka/Estimated that between 800.000 and 1.2million prisoners were taken to Treblinka/Lives in Israel
WWII: One of the few survivors of the Japanese Navy who were involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Survived the sinking of the Hiryu during the Battle of Midway in 1942, and almost starved on the Pacific Island Chuuk
American historian, biographer, and journalist. His 1997 biography of Whittaker Chambers won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and was a finalist for both the National Book Award for Nonfiction and the Pulitzer Prize for Biography
Joseph 'Joey Flowers' Tangorra (born August 2, 1949) is a Lucchesse soldier, and former capo of the 'Bensonhurst Crew'. In September 2000, Tangorra was indicted along with acting boss Steven Crea
Hiroshima survivor, born in 1926 in California, moved to Japan at age 6. Drafted into the Japanese army during WWII, he was helping to dig an air raid shelter into a hill about a mile and a half from Hiroshima's center when the bomb hit. He emerged to see
WWII - Monuments Men, 2nd (post-VE-Day) generation. Interrogated numerous Nazi officials involved in art operations, incl. Albert Speer and Walter Hofer. At Berchtesgaden, he worked to recover the objects from Hermann Göring's collection
Spanish Civil War veteran (Born: 1917) was a volunteer of the Republican army, becoming an official. He fought in Madrid and the Battle of Teruel. One of the last surviving Republican officers. Now 99
American astronomer and the current director of the Center for SETI Research. She is credited with coining the term 'brown dwarf' for the classification of stars with insufficient mass to sustain hydrogen fusion
British-born American paleoanthropologist, author and curator emeritus with the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. Tattersall is currently working with the Templeton Foundation
WWII: PTO. USMC. Harold has been cited in several books and publications chronicling the history of the war for heroism in the battle of Sugar Loaf Hill on Okinawa. Purple Heart
WWII: Escaped the German Army in the 'Miracle of Dunkirk', May/June 1940. 13th Lysander Squadron RAF, but dispatched to the Royal Signals of the Army before Dunkirk as they were in need of wireless operators like him
American aviator, notable for being in the late summer and early fall of 1976 the first person in history to successfully fly a homebuilt aircraft around the world. World War II Veteran
Environmental sociologist and author. Research involves environmental history, justice, & policy, leisure and recreation, gender and development, urban affairs, race relations, collective action and social movements, etc
Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit organization Athlete Ally, former wrestling coach at Columbia University and a prominent straight ally and civil rights activist of LGBT rights
Army Captain Vietnam War Medal of Honor recipient. Was awarded by President Biden in September of 2023 for his actions Ap Go Cong, South Vietnam in 1968. (Born 1942)
TV/movie actress of the 1960s + 70s: The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Peter Gunn, Dragnet (1958), Flight = 1 ep. 'Enemy Agent' of: 'Gen. Kenny that introduced the episodes was the commander of the 5th Air Force under MacArthur in WWII'; + 'Three Men in a Boat'
Is the founder and president of the Antique Airplane Association Inc. as well as co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the Airpower Museum. Also is a World War II Veteran
Distinguished correspondent at NBC who helped integrate TV news. Worked as a radio news writer, sports copy editor, reporter, anchorman and producer for more than three decades. Authored books exploring race in American society
WWII Veteran from Kansas. He served in the 98th Infantry Division at the end of WWII as a replacement for the original infantry and trained for deployment in Japan. He was one of 15,000 replacements for the Division at the end of the war.
(Born 1950) US Marine Crops Vietnam Veteran. A combat engineer with Company D, 11th Engineer Battalion of the 3rd Marine Division. POW from 1968 to 1973
Independent writer, speaker, historian, and consultant on technology and culture. His book Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences has been an international bestseller
WWII - Bataan Death March Survivor/192nd Tank Battalion, U.S. Army,made to march for 8 days after his capture/Former professor of economics at Arizona State University
Closest living relative of Nikola Tesla and a Founding Director, Chairman of the Executive Board and, since 1998, Executive Secretary of the Tesla Memorial Society, Inc
WW2 Battle of Britain pilot. Born in 1919, he joined 615 RAuxAF in March 1938. Called up in 1939, he flew on Beaufighters throughout the Battle of Britain. He is now 96 and lives in Wheldrake near York, UK
One of the youngest descendant of the man who invented the 20th century, Serbian-born American immigrant Nikola Tesla. She is 20 and lives in Smederevo, Serbian town near Belgrade
WWII D-Day veteran, served on LCT transporting troops and supplies to the beaches under heavy fire. Also met Babe Ruth as a 5 year old in 1928 when his uncle played for the Red Sox
WWII: Survivor of the failed Operation Jubilee ('Dieppe Raid') on 19 August 1942, when 60% of the mostly Canadian landing force were either killed, wounded or captured
American economist and the Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics. In 2017, he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to Behavioral economics
US Supercentenarian (1891-2005). A 1918 Flu survivor and most likely the last living person to have visited and have memories of the 1901 Pan Am Exposition
Pearl Harbor Survivor; sight-setter on a battery gun of the USS Ward, the ship that fired the first American shots in WWII and sank a Japanese submarine on Dec. 7, 1941
Latino-American author of young adult novels, best known for the book Cemetery Boys which was a New York Times bestseller and won numerous awards. Thomas is transgender and uses the he and they pronouns
Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
American writer, broadcaster and traveler. The man who made 'Lawrence of Arabia' famous. Fictionalized as 'Jackson Bentley' in the David Lean film 'Lawrence of Arabia'
Puerto Rican-Cuban writer and poet whose memoir Down These Mean Streets about rampant racism in his NY barrios was banned in some places but considered required reading in others. Spent 7 years in prison for attempted armed robbery
Became the first deaf person to work as an undercover investigator doing lip-reading of suspects for the Federal Bureau of Investigation/Autobiography entitled Silent Night/TV series Sue Thomas: F.B. Eye
WWII: B-24/B-17 bombardier in the 839th Squadron, 487th Bombt Group, 8th Air Force (Lavenham base). 30 missions (incl. D-Day) from 6 May to 5 November 1944. Wounded twice: 14 October 1944 at Cologne and 5 November 1944 at Ludwigshafen
WWII: Piloted B-4, B-17 and P-51 planes in the 839th Squadron, 487th Bombardment Group, 8th AF(Lavenham base). 30 missions (including D - Day) from 6 May to 5 November 1944. Wounded twice: 14 October 1944 at Cologne and 5 November 1944 at Ludwigshafen
Served on the USS Tennessee prior to WWII and the USS Missouri during WWII, ultimately witnessing the end of WWII/His story got 5 million views on facebook
JFK - Honor Guard in the State funeral of President Kennedy; also stood Death Watch and as such pictured in the famous photograph of Jackie and Caroline Kennedy kneeling at the coffin
F-86 Sabre pilot assigned to the 39thFighter Interceptor Squadron, 51st Fighter Interceptor Group during the Korean Conflict. Besides gaining 2 aerial victories over MiG-15s
WWII - Pearl Harbor survivor; Naval Housing, Ford Island. Thompson was 13 on Dec. 7, 1941. His father was stationed on the seaplane tender Curtiss, anchored in Pearl Harbor
Died June 7th 2005. Alcatraz convict who became author, lecturer on crime & a celebrity on the Rock. Bank robber and hardened criminal who spent 24 years prison including four years of hard time in the famous Alcatraz Prison. Signed books can be Found
(1893 - April 12, 1953) was a private secretary and personal aide to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. She was a pioneer of the East Wing staff, being the first staffer for a First Lady of the United States who was not a social secretary
American lawyer and Republican politician who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1967 to 1973 from the 5th Congressional District of Georgia. World War II Veteran
Member Early Birds of Aviation/devoted to history of early pilots. Started 1928 & membership totaled 598/Membership limited to the pilots of glider, gas balloon, or airplane, pre-12/17/1916. Time of Wright Bro's 1st flight-1916 when many trained 4 WW1
American theoretical physicist. In 2017, Thorne was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics along with Rainer Weiss and Barry C. Barish 'for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves'
(February 11, 1953 - May 24, 1986), (Lt Cmdr, USN), was an American naval officer and aviator, test pilot and a NASA astronaut candidate.Thorne was killed in an aircraft accident of a stunt plane -in which he was a passenger- on May 24, 1986
American Photojournalist, born 1939. Pulitzer for his 1966 photo of James Meredith being shot. Based in Mississippi, he covered many historic civil rights moments, including the Mississippi Burning murders, Selma, and Martin Luther King's funeral
British condensed-matter physicist. 2016 Nobel Prize for physics along with F. Duncan M. Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter
Melchior, Balthazar and Caspar, Biblical people, also bring gifts during the Holidays to children in Latin America and Spain (on January 6th every year), akin to Santa Claus in those areas
Is a centenarian and is a Canadian politician and judge. He represented the electoral district of Lunenburg County in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly from 1949 to 1953
Director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, author of 'Bayou Farewell: The Rich Life & Tragic Death of Louisiana's Cajun Coast' and director and screenwriter of the documentary 'We Are All Smith Islanders'
American convicted murderer, who confessed to shooting dead a wealthy 81 year-old widow, Marjorie 'Marge' Nugent, in Carthage, Texas on Nov. 19, 1996. The murder is the subject of the 2011 film Bernie, starring Jack Black as Tiede
1931-2018. Finnish psychiatrist and professor at the University of Oulu. Responsible for the Finnish Adoptive Study, which studied schizophrenia rates compared to adoption (nature versus nurture)
Sgt. Major of Army on 6/23/2000-1/15/2004. Service; Vietnam, Awards; Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (3), Bronze Star w/V Device, Meritorious Service Medal (2), Commendation Medal (3), Achievement Medal(3) & Presidential Unit Citation
WWII: Survivor of the sinking of the HMT Lancastria during Operation Ariel (17 June 1940). It is estimated that there were 6.500 fatalities, representing a greater loss of life than the Titanic and Lusitania disasters combined
(June 11, 1906 - September 23, 1992) was a Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces
WWII Veteran, F Co, 10th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division) Has a video on YouTube you can checkout 'The Day I Was Saved By A German Medic' December 2nd, 1944
American free speech activist known for his role in the 1969 Tinker v. Des Moines Supreme Court case, which ruled that School could not punish her for wearing a black armband in school in support of a truce in the Vietnam War
Apollo: One of the engineers who built the Lunar Rover; he, Rutledge Mills, Dick Wiser, and Walt Fahey built the prototype of the rover, named 'Grover', themselves
WWII: ETO, tail gunner on B-17 42-31720 'The Blue Blazing Blizzard' (379th Bomb Group 524th Bomb Squadron, 8th Air Force). His B-17 was shot and exploded at 25.000 feet while on a raid to Ludwigshafen, Sept 8, 1944; survived, was taken POW
French professor of economics. He was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2014 for his analysis of market power and regulation of large companies
(1935-2000) was a Soviet cosmonaut who, on 6 August 1961, became the second human to orbit the Earth, aboard Vostok 2, preceded by Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1. He was the fourth person in space
WW2/from Poole in Dorset, Wren in Bletchley Park Naval Section working on ?Allied Plot?. A chart of the world covering all 4 walls & Wrens plotted the movement of all the allied ships and their German, Italian and Japanese opposite numbers
English centenarian and one of the top 30 oldest people in Britain and the oldest person in the North West. She is now 109 and lives in Ashton, Preston, Lancashire, UK. Her father worked on the construction of 'The Blackpool Tower' in the 1890's
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
As a girl, was one of the students connected to the Topeka, KS Brown v. Board of Education case. Her mother was the adult plaintiff on her behalf, along with several other Topeka area families. Her mother was also actively involved in organizing the case
(born October 29, 1952) Russian cosmonaut at the Yuri A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, was born October 29, 1952 in the town of Kap-Yar, Astrakhan Oblast and currently resides at Star City, Moscow Region. He has traveled to space twice and has perfor
Retired Israeli Air Force officer. During WWII he served in a group of Palestinian Jewis Royal Air Force pilots. Back in Israel he served in the Israeli Air Force
WWII - D-Day, Omaha Beach. Company A, 2nd Rangers Battalion; landed near to the heavily fortified village of Vierville where he was seriously wounded while getting ashore
One of the survivors and witnesses to The Chernobyl disaster, that occurred on 26 April 1986 in Ukraine, Russia. He was fishing at the shore of the cooling water channel and witnessed the explosion. Lives in Russia
Russo-British monarchist and historian. He is a former parliamentary candidate of the UK Independence Party and is the current nominal head of the House of Tolstoy, a Russian noble family. Direct descendant of Leo Tolstoy
WW2, Korean & Vietnam Wars/Medal of Honor Recipient & Awarded Purple Heart U.S. Army/Rank Colonel/1st lieutenant in Company I, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division. At Saulx de Vesoul, France location for actions awarding him MOH
WWII: D-Day, USS Barnett (APA-5), Utah Beach. Wounded in Operation Husky (Sicily, July 1943). Later in the Invasion of Souther France (August 1944) and also in the Battle of Okinawa. Purple Heart, French Legion of Honor Medal
WWII: USMC fighter pilot of VMF-214 'The Swashbucklers'. Southwest Pacific and Guadalcanal to join Marine Fighting Squadron (VMF) 214, known as the 'Swashbucklers.' Guadalcanal, Solomon and Russell Islands
Owner national millinery company based in Dallas, attended Adolphus Hotel luncheon on 11/4/1960, where LBJ & Lady Bird were heckled by bystanders. On November 22, 1963, Tonkon observed the President's motorcade on Cedar Springs Road
US Forest Ranger, born 1954. Experienced the 1980 Mt St Helens volcanic eruption. One of the last to speak to his cantankerous friend, Harry R Truman, the old man who refused to evacuate his mountain home
Award-winning author and professor of education policy at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Chairman of education companies in Ghana (Omega Schools Franchise Ltd) and India creating low cost chains of low cost private schools
(Born 27 July 1924) was a Feldwebel in the German Army who served as Adolf Hitler's personal dog-handler. He was one of the last people to occupy the Führerbunker when it was captured by Soviet Red Army troops. Living in Paulinenhof in Hervest, part
NASA pilot - high-altitude ER-2 Earth science aircraft and the C-20A, a modified Gulfstream III business jet that carries a sophisticated synthetic aperture radar on environmental science missions
Member Early Birds of Aviation/devoted to history of early pilots. Started 1928 & membership totaled 598/Membership limited to the pilots of glider, gas balloon, or airplane, pre-12/17/1916. Time of Wright Bro's 1st flight-1916 when many trained 4 WW1
English locomotive engineer who was part of the team that built the Flying Scotsman and the Mallard during 'The Golden Age of Steam'. Born: 1923. He is now 93 and lives in the UK
WWII. PTO: Fire Controlman 3rd Class on Escort Carrier USS Vella Gulf (CVE-111). Credited with shooting down 3 Japanes 'Zeros' in the last weeks of the war. Visited atom-bombed Nagasaki during occupation duty
One of three Marines that lowered the Embassy flag in Cuba the last time when the Embassy closed in 1961/ Marines who lowered the flag at the U.S. Embassy in Havana 5+ decades raise the Stars and Stripes once again there
One of the last surviving 'Rats of Tobruk'. The Rats of Tobruk was the name given to the soldiers of the garrison who held the Libyan port of Tobruk against the Afrika Corps, during the Siege of Tobruk in WW2. He is 96 and lives in Brassall, Australia
(1920-2009) entrepreneur & civil rights activist, historian & author on African American history, politics, social issues & music/when serving as president of the NAACP Chicago chapter in 1959 coordinated Dr. King?s 1st march in Chicago
Civil Rights Activist/ Sept 11, 1963, along with 2 other courageous students, seized the opportunity to change dark traditions of segregation at University of South Carolina & became 1st African American students to attend the university
WWII: B-17 bomber pilot (B-17G Flying Fortress My Mary Myrtle 42-97827), 8th Air force, 1st Division, 457th Bomb Group, 751st Sqdn.; flew 20 missions to Berlin a.o. places between the end of 1944 and June 1945
Australian WWII veteran and one of the few surviving members of Z-Special unit, the group of Special Forces that assisted downed American airmen. Now lives in Clapham, South Australia. Sometimes known as Jonathan Tredrea
One of the last survivors of German battleship Bismarck that was sunk on 27 May 1941. He and Otto Peters are now the two last survivors. He is now 90 and lives in Germany
WW2 veteran, RAF pilot, policeman and one of the UK's oldest people (Born: 1914) Worked on the John Christie murder case in the 1940/50's. He is now 102 and lives in Perthshire, Scotland, UK. Also known as Leonard Trevallion
In '63 he was a 2nd year medical student at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas . On Nov. 22 he waited with fellow students outside of the emergency entrance at Parkland Memorial to hear word of President Kennedy's condition
One of the last surviving veterans of The Contestado War, which was a guerrilla war for land between settlers and landowners that lasted from 1912 to 1916. She is now 105 and lives in Lebon Régis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor, USS Tangier (AV-8); manned a machine gun to shoot at incoming Japanese planes. Later saw service in Guadalcanal, Battle of Midway, Wake Island, Battle of the Coral Sea, a.o. Also invasion of Inchon (Korean War)
The last surviving child of an American Civil War soldier (Born: 1930) She collects $876 a year from the government as thanks for her father taking part in the war, which ended 151 years ago. She is now 86 and lives in the USA
WWII: ETO. 355th Bomb Squadron, 350th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force. Waist-gunner/Ball-turret gunner on B-17 'Heaven And Earth'. 35 combat missions, including the huge Berlin raid on Feb. 3, 1945
Civil rights figure. Father a plaintiff on her behalf in Delaware's Belton v. Gebhart case that was part of the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education lawsuit
1/7/1906-1/24/2003 Early female aviator, notable for pioneering flying activities & participated in Women's Air Derby of 1929, dubbed Powder Puff Derby/Flew 1st Women's Transcontinental Air Derby with aviators including Amelia Earhart
Titanic survivor (1884-1984) English born, worked in the US and was returning to America on the Titanic. Felt the iceberg hit, convinced others they had to board lifeboats. Given a baby to carry, separated from its mother in another boat
Assistant Dallas District Attorney in 1963, Troy saw President's motorcade on Main Street. As part of the prosecution team during the Ruby trial in 1964, Troy prepared witnesses and sat in on every day of the trial
WWII: ETO. 17th Airborne Division. Fought in the Battle of the Bulge, and landed in a glider in Operation Varsity (24 March 1945, largest airborne operation in history to be conducted on a single day and in one location)
JFK - Lee Harvey Oswald's supervisor at the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), Dallas; interviewed and hired Oswald on October 15, 1963. Can be seen in several photographs and movies from 22 November 1963
American writer, born 1947. Military family, descended from Thomas Jefferson. 'Dress Gray', novelist. Village Voice writer, stumbled upon the 1969 Stonewall uprising, and one of the first journalists to cover it
WWII: D-Day, Omaha Beach. 29th Infantry Division. Was captured at the fourth day of the battle and spend the rest of the war as a POW in Czechoslovakia
German entrepreneur and billionaire who co-founded the German software giant SAP AG in 1972 together with Hans-Werner Hector, Dietmar Hopp, Hasso Plattner and Claus Wellenreuther
WWII: CBI. Member of Merrill's Marauders aka Unit Galahad, officially named the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), a US Army long range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit
WWII: PTO/ETO. Civilian Pearl Harbor survivor and later a member of the Varsity Victory Volunteers, 442 Regimental Combat Team, and the Military Intelligence Service. He was the first Japanese American to graduate from Yale Law School
WWII - Contemporary witness of the Port Chicago disaster (largest US mainland munitions explosion, July 17, 1944, Naval Magazine, Port Chicago, CA; 320 dead, 390 wounded, followed by mutiny that changed segregation in the Navy.)
Dallas high school student, Tullius took photographs at Love Field & along motorcade route. Following the assassination, he met other amateur photographers and collected a number of slides, which he later donated to The Sixth Floor Museum