One of the oldest women in the UK. Born: 1907. Recently celebrated her 109th birthday. Also one of the last surviving witnesses of Germany's Zeppelin raids in the UK, from 1914-1918. Lives in Stanmore, London, UK
Retired United States Air Force veteran, video game artist and game programmer.
Sachs was the lead artist on the groundbreaking Amiga computer game Defender of the Crown from Cinemaware. He is also the author of the game Saucer Attack
Amateur paleontologist, was responsible for the initial discovery of Stan's bone fragments, and as a result is the namesake for the T. rex. The Stan T.Rex is named after him
23-year-old American student in his senior year at California State University, Sacramento, who helped avert a massacre when an armed attacker began shooting on a train from Amsterdam to Paris; received France's Legion of Honor
Inventor/Married professors Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci developed science of Pfizer vaccine to treat Covid-19/German billionaire, physician, oncologist and entrepreneur of Turkish origin
Hiroshima survivor. 13yo, his house collapsed on top of him. Found his school closed the next day, with 369 dead. Survived stomach cancer. Refused to speak of the day until Putin's threat of nuclear weapons pushed him to warn others
WWII: 442nd Regimental Combat Team (all Japanese-American unit). Served from May 1944 until the end of the war, incl. the rescue of the Texas 'Lost Battalion'. Wounded 4 times, rcvd 2 Bronze stars.Served with Joe Sakato & Dan Inouye (MOH)
Former resident of Hashima Island a.k.a Battleship Island in Nagasaki, Japan. He and the rest of the population where evacuated in 1974, when the island was closed. It was recently seen on the documentary series 'Life After People'. He lives in Japan
US WWII Army vet, born 1928. Joined the Texas Guard out of high school, then the Army. Sent to Japan at war's end. Engineer/Supply Sgt. at Sugamo Prison during the Tokyo Trials. Helped build the gallows used for war criminal executions
American former vintner, public official, and television personality. He and ex-wife, Michaele, gained national notoriety in November 2009 by crashing a White House state dinner in honor of India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
WWII US Army, born 1922 in Italy. Immigrated to the US, 1937. Medic, HQ Medical Corps in England, France. Advertising degree, General Electric's first graphic design artist,1955
Former Los Angeles Sheriff Detective who investigated the Hillside Strangler and Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker
Featured on Netflix's Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer
WWII - British D-Day veteran of the Pioneer Corps who had the job to clear the landing areas of obstructions, explosives and defences so that troops and armour could quickly get off the beaches
JFK/Sang at Jack Ruby's Club The Carousel in 1963/Friend of Jack Ruby/Called after Assassination & was added to Warren Report/Lounge Singer/Sinatra & others impersonator
WWII: PTO. Pearl Harbor survivor, 7 December 1941. Civilian underwater welder who barely survived the attack, rescued sailors from the USS Oklahoma and eventually was assigned to remove the main 16-inch diameter guns and three turrets
German WWII Army Guard, born 1923. Last living witness to the July 1944 'Operation Valkyrie' briefcase bombing suicide attempt on Hitler's life at the Wolf's Lair( Wolfsschanze)
When Kennedy was brought to Parkland Hospital, Dr. Kenneth Salyer, then a 27-year-old resident, was the doctor on duty & treated JFK/Contends JFK was wearing a back brace on the day he died. If he had not, he might have lived
On the pioneer 10 spacecraft shot up in the 70s NASA included a gold disk so if aliens found it they see what we are like.Also on spacecraft was a Greetings drawing showing where to find us,what we look like etc.
WWII: Highly decorated Azerbaijanian veteran of the war, who fought for the Soviets. He received the Order of Glory 3rd degree in 1942 for heroic actions, and went on to fight in other battles including the Battle of Berlin. Now 96
Translator for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who meet with Donald Trump Jr. July of 2016 offering damaging information on Hillary Clinton to interfere with 2016 Presidential Election
Turkish biochemist and molecular biologist. In 2015, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Tomas Lindahl and Paul L. Modrich for their mechanistic studies of DNA repair
WWII: 59th Coast Artillery Regiment. POW at Camp Omori, Tokyo Bay. Captured on Corregidor, Fort Mills, in the Philippines on May 6, 1942 after a Japanese artillery barrage knocked out his machine gun; 'hell ship' transport to Japan
One of the world's oldest persons, born January 9, 1902. She remembers The Great Depression of the 1930's and seeing Halley's Comet, when it made its first pass of the 20th century in 1910. She is now 110 and lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA
WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor. Anti-aircraft gunner, 251st Coastal Artillery (California National Guard) on Hospital Point, where the Nevada went aground. He shot down a Japanese Zero fighter plane headed toward the local hospital
American WWII Merchant Marine veteran of WWII, born in 1925. Part of 'Murmansk Run' convoys bringing supplies to and from the Russian port by international forces challenged by arctic conditions
JFK - Witness to the famous Parking Lot Speech in Fort Worth by President Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, got to meet and shake hands with JFK, and pictured in a well-known photograph by Gene Gordon
One of Britain's last surviving 'Canary Babies', born yellow because of dangerous chemicals poured into ammunition shells during WW1. She is now 97 years old and lives in Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK
JFK - Contemporary witness to the Nov. 22, 1963, Dallas motorcade of President John F. Kennedy; saw the President from the 5th floor of the Neiman Marcus building
Author of 1981 book nominated for National Book Award 'Everything we Had': an oral history of the Vietnam War by the men who fought it. Born 1949,founder Asia America Iniative, an Adjunct Professor in the Institute of World Politics
Decorated by Gen William Westmoreland, with Silver Star a company commander and Lt. in the US Army during the Vietnam War, graduate of OCS, author of the book 'Letters Home from Vietnam' insturmental in the construction of the NTC Vietnam Veterans Memoria
Pen-name of Ramona Lofton, an author and performance poet. Her 1st novel, Push was adapted into the film Precious. She continuously sheds light on women who have been marginalized by sexual abuse, poverty, and their blackness
(1942-2005)Was a Soviet cosmonaut who flew on the Soyuz 15 spaceflight in 1974. This mission was intended to dock with the space station Salyut 3, but failed to do so after the docking system malfunctioned
Organic Chemist,(1917-1999) Invented Process of Treating Pregnene Compounds Cortisone & the Sarett Oxidation process is named after him. Received the National Medal of Science in 1975 & Perkin Medal in 1976. 1980 was inducted into National Inventors HOF
US Politician (1827-1887). California Gold Rush '49er,' House 1861-63 and 1869-73, Senate 1873-79. Authored, introduced bill that would become the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote
WWII: Battle of the Bulge, Rhineland. 290th Infantry Regiment, 75th InfDiv (aka 'Bulgebusters') . Wounded in the Battle of the Bulge. Also joined the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) before the war
Historian of modern India based at the Jawaharlal Nehru University. Sarkar's work focuses on the intersections of religion, gender, and politics in both colonial and postcolonial South Asia, and author of several books
NBC TV executive, born 1927. Son of RCA pioneer David Sarnoff, surprised him as a boy in a 1931 test yelling 'Hello Daddy!', the first live person broadcast by RCA/NBC. Chairman emeritus of the Television Academy
US Navy WWII veteran, born 1925. Motor Mechanist on LST-515, delivering supplies and troops to the beaches on D-Day, and picking up the wounded for transport back to England
WWII: PTO. USS Alvin Cockrell (DE-366). Don?s ship was one of the first to respond to the aftermath of the sunken USS Indianapolis. Don was tasked with recovering bodies - floating in the ocean for days - collecting identification, burying them at sea
Nun who claims to have been visited by the Virgin Mary in Yuzawadai, near the city of Akita, Japan in 1973 after which she was cured of her deafness; the Vatican has approved the events and messages she received as reliable and worthy of belief
Russian-born US real estate developer, former director of Bayrock Group LLC, a real estate conglomerate based out of NY City/Bragged Moscow could get Trump elected & could get Putin's team in 2015 to buy in Moscow Trump Tower
WW2/Served in the 4th Armored Division of the United States Army, and participated in battles in Belgium, Germany and Czechoslovakia/Drove tank & loader/Worked with M4A1 Sherman Tank/Battle of the Bulge/Age 97 in 2020
WWII - 4th Marine Division; fought at Roi Namur, Tinian, Saipan, and Iwo Jima. His platoon leader was Henry Bellmon, former governor of and later United States Senator from Oklahoma
French coordination chemist. He has specialized in supramolecular chemistry for which he has been awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and Bernard L. Feringa
Activist provided information that led to exposure of Catholic Church Coverup which became the basis for the film Spotlight. Played by Neal Huff in the film
Born August 8, 1948. Former Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-7) in 1982; second woman in space, first woman to spacewalk.
WWII - Pearl Harbor survivor, USS Antares (AKS-3). The back then unarmed Antares detected a suspicious object near the harbour, informed the USS Ward which then identified it as a Japanese submarine and fired the first US shots of WWII
Member Early Birds of Aviation/devoted to history of early pilots. Started 1928 & membership totaled 598/Membership limited to the pilots of glider, gas balloon, or airplane, pre-12/17/1916. Time of Wright Bro's 1st flight-1916 when many trained for W
On July 21, 2017, President Donald Trump appointed him the White House Communications Director, held position for 10 days and was replaced by Hope Hicks
Convicted murderer who, while in prison, murdered notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and convicted murderer Jesse Anderson. He described the killings as 'the work of God'.
WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor, 7 December 1941. Petty Officer 1st Class Schab, a sousaphone player in the admiral's band, served at the USS Dobbin, a destroyer tender. He saw the Utah capsizing and the USS Arizona explode
Centenarian (1896-2004). One of the last woman voters of the 1920 election, and campaigners for the right to vote beforehand. A WWII Goldstar mother, and a competitive ballroom dancer into her 100's who appeared with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show
WW1 Balloonist/Deployed on land and sea for use in observing enemy troops, artillery spotting, & locating submarines. Importance as observation platforms, balloons were heavily defended by anti-aircraft guns and patrolling fighter aircraft
Apollo engineer; worked on Portable Life Support System; helped develop, troubleshoot and verify procedures used by astronauts use of space suits. Stowed Armstrong and Aldrin lunar suits in LM night before launch
Debuted for Cubs in 1941 as right-handed-hitting catcher, but then served in military during WWII, finishing his career in 1951 with Cardinals. He managed Cubs 1957-59 and then managed the Tigers in 1961, 1962, and part of 1963
American cell biologist at the University of California. Sheckman was one of three researchers sharing the 2013 award of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
(16 July 1877 - 6 December 1967) was a Hungarian-born American pediatrician. He is the founder of the Schick test/invented between 1910 and 1911 is a test used to determine whether or not a person is susceptible to diphtheria
television director writer/Photographer on Robert Kennedy's presidential campaign staff, Schiller captured iconic images of Senator Kennedy during the months prior to his assassination
WWII - Pearl Harbor survivor. Radar Operator at Opana Radar Station where they detected the incoming Japanese planes on Dec. 7, 1941. Schimmel, did not see the planes coming, but was told by other operators thus was the 5th person to know of the attack
Czech-born Auschwitz survivor (1929-2023). Lost her parents and 5 siblings during the Holocaust. Married another Holocaust survivor and settled in America
WWII Manhattan Project 'Atomic Girl', born 1925. Unable to join the WAAFs, volunteered for a secret mission where she watched meters in Oak Ridge, not knowing why. After Hiroshima, she realized she'd helped produce uranium for the bomb
Centenarian and has published two volumes of her memoir, Snatched from Oblivion: A Cambridge Memoir and I Remember: A Life of Politics, Painting and People, as well as five children's books, which she also illustrated
Author, political commentator, and international affairs specialist. Foreign policy advisor to New York State Governor Mario Cuomo during his three terms in office. Son of historian and presidential biographer Arthur Schlesinger Jr
50-year journalism career. Broadcast analyst and author of 40 baseball books, Won awards for writing, editing, graphic design, and public service., Founder of NATJA. Co-host/executive producer of the weekly TRAVEL ITCH RADIO show
American astrophysician, 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics with Saul Perlmutter and Adam Riess for providing evidence that the expansion of the universe is accelerating
Inventor of the Schmidt sting pain index. Has documented over 80 stings from different insects, describing the pain and the insect world through his book titled, The Sting Of The Wild
Author of Silent Impact Influence Through Purpose, Persistence and Passion,' award-winning sports broadcaster, community leader and popular keynote speaker. Joined KSTP-TV in 1985 and has won 18 Emmys from the National Television Academy
Worked in the advertising department at The Dallas Morning News in 1963 and was with Jack Ruby at the time of the assassination. His wife, Marjorie, was a volunteer at the Trade Mart luncheon
James A. Schoke was part of the Special Engineer Detachment that worked at the Met Lab at the University of Chicago on the Manhattan Project. He worked for the instrument group, inventing instruments to detect uranium, alpha rays, and more
B. August 9th 1920/WW2 Colonel/Received Silver Star for actions in Okinawa/ Commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, the young platoon leader would find himself leading a rifle platoon onto the beaches of Peleliu
WWII B-17 Ball Turret Gunner of B-17 'Pot O'Gold' (42-31377), 327th Bomb Squadron, 92nd Bomb Group, damaged but on purpose not shot down by German ace Hans Hermann Muller on Feb. 22, 1944. (They later became friends)
WWII - D-Day; Company F of the 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. First American soldier to come ashore from a landing craft at Utah Beach
(June 20, 1895 - February 24, 1963) was a long time professional Scouter of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) who served as the Chief Scout Executive for twelve years from 1948 to 1960 /became a volunteer Scoutmaster at age 18 in 1913
Former Dept. of Defense graphics supervisor; airborne radio operator-gunner in WWII (464th Bomb Grp, 15th AF; Africa/Italy); also painted nose art. After the war, Army cartoonist who did decades of Army cartoons incl. the Berlin Air Lift
WWII: D-Day. Omaha Beach. Landed with LST-510 on Omaha Beach around noon of June 6, 1944. 90-millimeter artillery gunner of Battery B of the the 110th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Gun Battalion. Battle of the Bulge
Memoir, The Ghost in General Patton's Third Army. The ghost soldiers were members of the XX Corps, which earned the title Ghost Corps when, during combat/Typist for a Colonel in G-3
WWII: German bomber and fighter communications, pilot 1940-1945 (103 missions). 23 night bombing misions (DO-217) over England incl. London (1942/1943). Bf-109 pilot for JG 5 in 1944 in Finland. POW, 3 victories. Also flew ME-109G, ME-110C and JG51
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
WWII: Army Air Corps in the Phillippines. Surrendered and was part of the Bataan Death March (9 April 1942). Spent the rest of the war as a POW. After the war, he went on the be a jeweler and sold Elvis' the first of the famous TCB necklace
(Born 1924) US Army WW2 Veteran. Company B, 2826th Engineer Battalion, 36th Combat Engineers. participated in the amphibious invasion of Southern France in August 1944. He was in many battles throughout France and Germany during the war
WWII - German paratrooper of Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 6 (6th Paratrooper Regiment); fought in the Battle of Carentan where his regiment had a direct frontline to the famous 'Band of Brothers' of Dick Winters
One of the last crew members and survivors of MV Wilhelm Gustloff, which sank after being torpedoed by submarine in 1945 resulting in the greatest ship disaster in history. He is now 86 and recently wrote the book "The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff"
Was a United States Navy officer and a NASA astronaut. He is credited with conducting the first unscheduled extra-vehicular activity of the space program during Space Shuttle mission STS-51-D.
WWII - Iwo Jima survivor. Radioman at 28th Regiment of the Fifth Marine Division. He landed in the first 35 minutes of the battle. His duties also included protecting the Navajo Code Talkers
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
WWII: PTO. Assigned to the USS Lexington (CV-2) before Pearl Harbor, he served there until she was lost in the Battle of the Coral Sea on 8 May 1942. Later at USS Suwannee (Operation Torch, North-Africa)
Author, The Iran Contradiction. Former Military Officer Vietnam 1967. 101st Airborne Divison. Wounded during North Vietnamese Army's Tet Offensive of 1968
Former CIA agent who served in the Cold War; trained Tibetans for paratrooper service, trained South-Vietnamese, many missions, including Operation Cold Feet in 1962, where he operated the Skyhook system (007 movie 'Thunderball')
British-Argentine WWII veteran. Left Argentina as a volunteer for the 794 Naval Air Squadron, part of the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Army. Last known Latin American pilot of Spitfire
A captain in the 3rd U.S. Inf. Reg. in '63 , Scott was stationed in Washington the weekend of the assassination and was assigned outside St. Matthew's Cathedral during the funeral . Was standing close to John Jr. at the time of his salute
JFK - Secret Service, later household staff director at the White House. Served from Truman to Clinton. Assisted Jackie Kennedy in the funeral preparations
British born rocket scientist who worked on the construction of The Black Knight Rocket, the United Kingdom's first rocketry project after WW2. Lives on the Isle of Wight or in the UK
A stenographer with South-Western Pub. Co. in '63 , she worked on the 2nd floor of the TSBD .
Standing on the north side of Elm St. , she witnessed the assassination and can be seen on the Zapruder film
Fort Worth Police Officer , worked the Kennedy motorcade route to Hotel Texas on Nov. 21 . After the assassination he guarded the Oswald remains at Miller Funeral Home
WWII: Last survivor of the sinking of the HMS Exeter, 1 March 1942. Also served during the Battle of the River Plate (1939). Spent 3 years as a Japanese POW
American serial killer who struck New York City from 1990 to 1993. Before being caught in 1996, he killed three people and critically wounded four. Seda is believed to have admired San Francisco?s Zodiac Killer for avoiding capture
Co-pilot on flights backing up Air Force 1 during JFK presidency.Former U.S. Air Force captain. Met Kennedy family & spent time with Caroline & John Jr. During Cuban missile crisis, his plane carried a JFK decoy during a top-secret flight
WW2/Japanese American/Go For Broke/US Army
Units served 442nd regiment, 3rd battalion, Company L/Purple Heart; 2 Unit Citations; O'Connor Task Force; Bruyeres
American lawyer, radio talk show host, political consultant, Executive Director at the American Center for Law & Justice, a conservative international public interest law firm and watchdog group founded by his father, Jay Sekulow
JFK - Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at Parkland in 1963 and part of the team trying to save President Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963. Also summoned to Dachau to testify as an expert witness in the trial of a Nazi doctor in 1947
B-17 bomber pilot, WWII, 8th Air Force. Shot down by a FW-109 over Ruhland, Germany, 12 September 1944. Sole survivor in a crew of ten. P.O.W. for 9 months. PH AM POW medals
WWII: 4th Battalion, 29th Infantry. A communications specialist that served on D-Day (3rd or 4th wave, Omaha Beach), The Battle of the Bulge, Liberation of Dachau
WWII: ETO. 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, the 'Ghost Army'. The Ghost Army deceived enemies into thinking that there were unaccounted divisions out there
Actress including: 'I Dream of Jeannie' (1966) in the episode of: 'Richest Astronaut in the World' as Helga; and as Linda in the 1970 movie: 'Horror of the Blood Monsters' aka 'Creatures of the Prehistoric Planet'; plus as Anna in 'Run for Your Life.'1965
American Nobel Laureate who is the professor of pediatrics. He shared the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 'discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability' with William Kaelin Jr. and Peter J. Ratcliffe
American physicist born March 14, 1909, at the 'Manhattan Project' (Trinity). Wrote 'The Los Alamos Primer' who was a printed project 'Wiki' for new team members.
American Child Actress,Author and Historian born 1918.knowed as BABY PEGGY in silent movies 1920-28.'Helens Babies','Family Secret','Jack and the Beanstalk','Little Rascal','Hansel and Gretel','Cpt.January' Born: 10/26/1918
98-years old British veteran of the Spanish Civil War; living in the United Kingdom, featured in the documentary, 'The First Will Be The Last' by Pasquale D'Aiello