Deputy General Director of Russian state-owned power company, Zarubezhneft and one of the survivors of The Chernobyl disaster, that occurred on 26 April 1986 in Ukraine, Russia.He worked as a supervisor at the reactor at the time of the disaster
Author, speaker, associate professor of medicine at NYU?s School of Medicine. He was an advisor to President Ford?s White House physician and assisted First Lady Nancy Reagan with the Chemical People Project
WW2 Polish POW/Cut the hair of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess, one of the most cold-blooded and sadistic mass murders in Adolf Hitler's regime/Lives in Krakow Poland
Michael Ralph Paine b.6/25/1928 retired engineer who worked for Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Texas in 1963. Became notable after assassination of JFK because of his and his wife's acquaintance with purported assassin Lee Harvey Oswald
Friend of Marina Oswald, who was living with her at the time of JFK assassination. According to 4 government investigations, Oswald stored the 6.5 mm caliber Carcano rifle he used to assassinate John F. Kennedy in Paine's garage.
Real life Rosie the Riveter; worked B-29 line in Wichita, KS. Volunteer on Doc restoration. Most of her original rivets from when she installed them at 18 years old were still sound
WWII: Served on the destroyer USS Dale (DD-353) from 1942-45. Battle of Komandorski Islands (Aleutians Campaign, March 1943), Central Pacific 1943/44 (Makin, Kwajalein, Eniwetok), 1944/45 Saipan, Guam, Battle of the Philippine Sea
WWII:_ PTO. Served on the submarine USS Finack. While on its 10th war patrol, the Finback -- with Andrew at the helm and the first man on deck -- rescued Lt. J.G. George Herbert Walker Bush
Palermo was part of the 2nd wave at Omaha Beach. He piled out of a Higgins boat, into a storm of bullets and bombs. This was followed by an hour dug into the bloody sand, while 2,500 men died around him
WWII Nazi War Criminal; was a guard at Trawniki labor camp; his US citizenship has been revoked but he originally couldn'tt be deported because no country would take him; has since been deported to Germany
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
US WWII B-24 Pilot (1919-2024) Shot down on 50th mission, POW for 11 months. Oklahoma Dust Bowl survivor, one of the very last living people to have ridden the rails during the Depression
WWII: US Navy veteran who served on the USS Russell (DD-414); the ship fought in 16 major engagements incl. the Battle of Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway where she picked up survivors of the carriers USS Lexington resp. USS Yorktown
(born 1935) Indian anthropologist and author. He was the first outsider to make peace with the North Sentinel Island natives. He started in 1967 by giving gifts and offerings to the people and finally made contact in 1991
(born 30 January 1918) is a Croatian historian, archivist and orientalist from Herzegovina. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1935 and was ordained for a priest in 1941
US Aviator, Barnstormer (1895-1958) Gates Flying Circus, 1920s. First to fly nonstop across the Pacific, 1931. Pilot trainer, WWI. RAF US recruiter/test pilot, WWII
JFK - Secret Service agent for 4 presidents; guarded President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis and in Berlin; responsible to guard JFK's car after the assassination
Foreign policy adviser served President Trump's 2016 president campaign. 10/05/17, Pled guilty making false statements to FBI agents about contacts with Russia in 2016 relating to U.S.-Russia relations & emails stolen from Clinton campaign
Italian theoretical physicist, whose research has focused on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems. He was awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics
WWII US Army D-Day veteran, born 1924. Led wire-cutting group in the first wave on Omaha Beach. Claims to be the first man to reach the beach the morning of the attack
Calvin Parker claims he and co-worker Charles Hickson were abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi. The story made national headlines in 1973. His story is told in his book: PASCAGOULA-THE CLOSEST ENCOUNTER: MY STORY
WWII: Eto. Battle of Normandy, Cherbourgh, Le Mans, Haguenau, Rhine. Not D - Day: Landed on Utah Beach on June 12, 1944. 314th Infantry 79th Infantry Division. Bronze Star. Reverend in Abingdon, Virginia
American solar astrophysicist, born 1927. Developed theory of solar wind in the 1950s. First living person to have NASA name a spacecraft after them, the Parker Solar Probe to the sun, launched in 2018
Social historian and witness to 'the Great Smog of 1952' a severe air-pollution event that affected London during December 1952 that led to the deaths of 12,000 people. He now lives in Bristol, UK
Member Early Birds of Aviation/devoted to history of early pilots. Started 1928 & membership totaled 598/Membership limited to the pilots of glider, gas balloon, or airplane, pre-12/17/1916. Time of Wright Bro's 1st flight-1916 when many trained 4 WW1
WWII Rosie the Riveter, photographed working with her sister Naomi Parker Fraley in WWII. Revealed in 2015 that her sister's photo was the inspiration for the iconic We Can Do It WWII Rosie poster
American virologist, born 1932. Co-discovered the first widely applicable test for rubella antibodies and the vaccine for rubella. Isolated the vaccine in 1962, reported successful trials in 1966. Joined MMR in 70s
Engineer with Bechtel Corp. blows the whistle on the cleanup of a nuclear reactor on Three Mile Island, the worst nuclear power plant accident in American history
WWII: Guadalcanal campaign, Battle of Cape Gloucester. Korean War. Commended for his cour-age and coolness under fire by both his command-ing officers and the men that served with him, who dubbed him 'The Real John Wayne'. Silver Star
One of the last survivors of The Tri-State Tornado (Missouri, Illinois, Indiana), the deadliest tornado in American history that occurred on March 18, 1925
WWII: 327th Glider Regiment, 101st Airborne Div. Due to a shortage of gliders, he arrived in France only on D-Day+1, landed with his glider in Holland in Sept. 1945 (Operation Market Garden), also in the Battle of the Bulge near Bastogne
Filipino WWII Veteran, U.S. Army. In July 1942, his Filipino squad ambushed a train carrying Japanese troops, cutting off the officers' heads to present to their commanding officer; the Japanese captain on the train had brutalized Filipinos.
On Nov. 22 1963, Patsy Paschall filmed from the third floor tower of the courthouse on Houston Street. Her film depicts the JFK motorcade going by underneath, as well as other views after the assassination
WWII: Served as a medic in Europe, beginning with the Battle of Normandy, landing at Utah Beach a couple days after D-Day and spent his last days in Germany tending to the Jewish Holocaust survivors at Buchenwald
WWII: CBI. Member of HQ Company, White Combat Team, 1st Battalion of the Merrill's Marauders aka Unit Galahad, officially the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), a US Army long range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit
Emergency room technician, HS English and drama teacher, health care administrator, marketing executive, former Air Force member, professional actor, comic, and musician, author and professional speaker
Won the 2021 Nobel Prize for Medicine for the discovery of receptors in the skin that sense temperature and touch and could pave the way for new pain-killers
Former radio newsman, known for his coverage of the Kennedy assassination & forever known as reported, 'Something has happened in the Motorcade'. His career in radio news he reported for KBOX, KLIF, and later became news director at KVIL
Italian WWII Navy Veteran from Sicily (1923-2022). Served in Italy and Africa before the Allies took over. Got his high school diploma at 31, then added college degrees between the ages of 96 and 98
WWII - 486th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group, 'Bluenosed Bastards of Bodney'. P-51 pilot with 5 air to ground victories (a 'strafing Ace'). Also Flew PT-17, BT-13, AT-6, P-40 and P-47. He flew with his twin brother, Maj. Gen. Cuthbert 'Bill' Pattill
Maj. Gen. Cuthbert 'Bill' Pattillo was a P-51 pilot in WWII. Flew with his twin brother, Lt. Gen. Charles 'Buck' Pattillo. Bill shot down a ME-262 German Jet. 6 days later, Bill was shot down himself, and became a POW to the Germans
Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
Author, filmmaker and founder and executive director of the Patton Veterans Project nonprofit and CEO of Patton Productions, LLC. Grandson of General George S. Patton. Son of George Patton IV
WWII - Crew member of the USS Saratoga ('Sister Sara') from 1941 until the end of WWII, survivor of the Kamikaze attack on 21 February 1945. when the Sara was hit by 6 Kamikaze in 3 minutes
Canadian engineer and astronaut. Payette has completed two spaceflights, STS-96 and STS-127, logging more than 25 days in space. She served as Chief Astronaut for the CSA, and has served in other roles for both NASA and CSA, such as CAPCOM
Aerographer's Mate 1st Class, USN, Fleet Air Wing 10
Weather Observer, flying through the eye of typhoons and participating in 50 missions in the South China Sea searching for downed aircraft.
Pacific Theater of Operations
Engineer & space scientist known for work on space elevators/Developed aircraft & spacecraft technology for Air Force, DARPA, NASA. Holds patents & author nearly 100 publications in aircraft, spacecraft, tethers & global climate control
WWII: New Zealand fighter pilot and flying ace. Europe/No. 610 Squadron; North Africa, Malta, Sicily, Italy, Far East/No. 81 Squadron. 6 victories. Notable for having shot down aircraft from all 3 main Axis powers'ermany, Italy and Japan
WW2/B-17 'Miss Carriage' bombardier/306th BG/POW Stalag Luft 3 Sagan Silesia Bavaria Move/forced to march 300 miles and held for a year at the Nazi prison Stalag Luff 7 until liberated by troops under Gen. George Patton's in April 1945
Canadian - American astrophysicist, astronomer, and theoretical cosmologist. Peebles was awarded half of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2019 shared with Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz for their discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a sun - like star
Author, playwright, actress & animal activist. Invented cat anti-scratch deterrent, Sticky Paws® for Furniture to prevent declawing/Acted in one hundred television and radio commercials
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Mahan (DD-364) from April to December 1944 and survived the Kamikaze attack on Dec. 7, 1944 (Battle of Ormoc Bay) between Leyte and Ponson Island, when 3 out of 7 Kamikaze hit the ship
Member of The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)a work relief program for young men from unemployed families, started on 03/21/1933, by Pres. F.D.R. As part of Roosevelt's New Deal legislation, designed to combat unemployment during the Great Depression
Non-fiction author and artificial intelligence researcher. Creator of the MTV documentary series The Buried Life and co-author of the book 'What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?', which became a No. 1 New York Times Best Seller
American physicist, radio astronomer and Nobel laureate in physics (1978) who is co-discoverer of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which helped establish the Big Bang theory of cosmology
Capt.Texas Rangers/Worked cases involving Billie Sol Estes, Maceo broth gambling syndicate in Galveston, La Grange Chicken Ranch/Appointed Special Texas Ranger by Governor Miriam 'Ma' Ferguson to police state's 4 horse racing tracks
One of the first girls to play Little League; triggered historic court case opening up Little League to girls in 1974; featured in 2020 Topps Allen & Ginter set
WWII: ETO. B-24 navigator at the end of the war in the same squadron as later senator and Democratic Party presidential nominee George Stanley McGovern: 741st Bomb Squadron, 455th Bomb Group, 15th Air Force. Bombing missions to Austria
Transgender drag queen, singer, actress; first drag queen to compete on RuPaul's Drag Race as an openly trans woman; first woman who openly identifies as trans to originate a principal role on Broadway in 2018's Head Over Heels
WWII: ETO. B-17G 'Angel in Di-Skies' aka 'Angel in Disguise' (#42-37906). 568th Bomb Squadron, 390th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force. Flew 16 missions as a B-17 ball turret gunner. Shot down on Aug. 2, 1944, POW at Stalag Luft IV
US Army Afghanistan War Veteran. Received the Army Distinguished Service Cross for actions on Nov. 1, 2010 when he was wounded by a suicide bomber while on patrol and refused medical treatment and went back into the line of fire
Former Wall Street litigator. Has appeared on NPR, Marketplace, Bill Moyer's Journal, and CNBC. Author of the leading treatise on the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Securities Litigation After the Reform Act
Software designer and network engineer sometimes referred to as the 'Mother of the Internet.' She is most famous for her invention of the spanning-tree protocol (STP), which is fundamental to the operation of network bridges and the internet
Retired United States Army four-star general who last served as the chief operating officer of the federal COVID-19 response for vaccine and therapeutic
Michael J. Perna is a soldier in the New Jersey faction. His brother Ralph is also a member in the New Jersey faction. During the 1980s, Perna was a member of Michael Taccetta's inner circle and controlled operations from the Hole in the Wall, a luncheone
WWII: Navy, USS Abner Read (DD-526). Was in the Aleutian campaign when the ship hit a mine left by the Japanese after they abandoned Kiska Island in 1943. Also in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, when the ship was sunk by Kamikaze on Nov. 1, 1944
2004 found Oswald's ring in Fort Worth Law Office/Provided research materials to numerous authors including John McAdams for JFK Assassination Logic, Hugh Aynesworth for JFK Breaking the News and Vincent Bugliosi for Reclaiming History
WWII: PTO. Battle of Iwo Jima, Battle of Okinawa. Navy: Radio Operator on USS Eldorado (AGC-11), command ship for Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) in Idaho
Enlisted US Air Force in 1942 during World War II. Peterburs served in 55th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, & he piloted a P-51 Mustang; on 10 April 1945, he shot down Walter Schuck's Me 262
As a 15-year-old girl in post-war Britain Dorothy Peters (Born: 1931) joined newly-formed Land Rover to work on the very first off-roaders to be built. She is now 87 and lives in the UK
Test pilot/Assigned as one of the project pilots on the Rogallo paraglider research vehicle (Paresev) program. He made his first Paresev research flight on March 14, 1962
WWII: CBI. Of 1st Bn, 915 Winnipeg Grenadiers, who defended Hong Kong in December 1941. After the surrender, he was a POW until the end of the war. He is the last of the so-called 'Arden Seven'
WWII: USS Augusta; Roosevelt and Churchill met aboard the Augusta on 9 Aug 1941. Peterson was assigned to the president's personal guard detail. He left the USS Augusta before D-Day and joined the Marines for Guam and Iwo Jima
NASA: Director of launch operations at NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) from 1966 to 1969, Apollo program director at NASA Headquarters from 1969 to 1973
Retired Russian Colonel who prevented a Worldwide Nuclear War in 1983 by not responding to a false alarm that the United States had launched a nuclear missile
WWII: ETO. 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, the 'Ghost Army'. The Ghost Army deceived enemies into thinking that there were unaccounted divisions out there
Wife of George Mendonsa; woman in the background of Victor Jorgensen's famous photo of the sailor kissing a nurse on VJ Day in Times Square 1945, also visible in Alfred Eisenstadt's version of the photo that appeared in Life Magazine
WWII: B-29 tail gunner in the Pacific- and China-Burma-India-Theater. He was assigned to a B-29 crew stationed in Guam. His plane 'The Uninvited' was called 'the last plane to bomb Japan.'
WWII: Merchant Marine veteran. Traveling the Atlantic and Pacific, his service includes D-Day (his ship was grounded as part of one of the Mulberry harbous) and one Murmansk run
(Born 1948) US Army Vietnam Veteran. helicopter gunner with the 71st Aviation Company in South Vietnam. POW from 1967 to 1973. Recipient of a Bronze Star and Purple Heart
WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor, USS Maryland. He was on the Maryland until March 1944 and also in the Battle of Tarawa since the Maryland was the flagship there
WWII: Battle of the Bulge; liberation of Mauthausen camp (Austria). 11th Armored Div.. Phelps, as photographed sewings his pants with a sewing machine after the Battle of the Bulge, made it on the cover of the Yank magazine on Feb. 18, 1945
Filmed Lee Harvey Oswalds murder, the Parkland and Love Field scenes, and the Ruby murder trial/Co-author 'When the News Went Live: Dallas, 1963' a book about events surrounding the JFK John F. Kennedy Assassination
WWII: 486th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force (Sudbury, England). He was a Nose Art artist who painted what became known as the 'Zodiac Bombers' because the aircraft featured (often frivolous) painting themed to the signs of the zodiac
Transported President George W. Bush to the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln off the coast of San Diego, California on 1 May 2003. The flight officer was Lieutenant Ryan Phillips
WWII: Quartermaster, USS Laffey (DD-724), 'the ship that would not die'. D-Day and Battle of Normandy (Cherbourgh) fire support, Battle of Okinawa (Apr 16, 1945 action), surviving four bombs, six kamikaze crashes, and strafing
Born 1922, WWII: Royal Canadian Navy 1942-1945, ammunition loader on a four - inch anti aircraft gun. Served on the Tribal Class destroyer HMCS Iroquois on several Arctic Convoys to Murmansk
WWII: D - Day, Omaha Beach; Battle of St. Lo; Battle of Brest; seriously wounded in each battle, he was sent home after Brest. Company A, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division
First responding Police Officer to Rosa Parks' bus arrest in 1955, born 1926. A motorcycle cop who was blocks away when the call came in, he knew he could get there quicker than the police car could. He arrived first, and helped in taking Parks off the bu
Pierce was the Dallas Police Lieutenant who was mentioned by Jack Ruby during his deathbed interview as being the Dallas Police officer he passed in his patrol car as he entered the ramp and, only seconds later, killed Lee Harvey Oswald
Pan Am stewardess aboard the White House press plane in the early 1960s and had met President Kennedy several times. She was at Dallas Love Field at the time of the assassination
WWII: US Navy veteran who served on the USS Russell (DD-414); the ship fought in 16 major engagements incl. the Battle of Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway where she picked up survivors of the carriers USS Lexington resp. USS Yorktown
WWII: CBI. 1 Bn (White Combat Team) of the Merrillâ-™s Marauders aka Unit Galahad, officially named the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), a US Army long range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit. Purple Heart. Bronze Star
Books for children include If All the Animals Came Inside and How to Share with a Bear, and he also has written several books about mountains and weather for adults
WWII: Survivor of the sinking of the HMS Repulse on 10 December 1941 off Malaya, an event in the war that often is named 'Britain's Pearl Harbor'. Survived the sinking of his next ship, HMS Spartan, in 1944. Also recused troops at Dunkirk
WWII: Medical Detachment, 3d Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division. D-Day, Operation Market Garden, Battle of the Bulge, Battle of Hürtgen Forest
JFK - FBI agent, Dallas 1963; major part in the local assassination investigation: linked Oswald to the rifle used to kill President Kennedy as he tracked the weapon to a Chicago company that sold it to Oswald under the alias Alek Hidell
WW2 Navajo Indian Code Talker, 1 of only 13 remaining. While Pinto trained to be a Navajo Code Talker with the U.S. Marines, World War II ended before he would be sent overseas
Author: Ike's Final Battle/Biographer & Historian/Served President George W. Bush 5 years. 1999, wrote speeches for Bush Campaign. 2001-03 wrote speeches for Bush White House/Speech Writer for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
WW2 /From Monmouth in Gwent, was a Foreign Office civilian & member of legendary Dilly?s Girls, a group of young women who worked alongside the great Bletchley Codebreaker Dilly Knox breaking Italian & German secret service Enigma messages
Author/'Inside the Third House'/Pacific Theater WW2/Commissioned in military intelligence/2 governors named him the Master of Ceremonies for State Texas/Served inaugural committees for Governors Shivers, Connally, Daniel, Smith & Briscoe
Former FBI special agent who, in 1996, was arrested at the FBI Academy. Pitts was charged with spying for the Soviet Union and Russia. On April 30, 1997, he pled guilty
Dominick 'Skinny Dom' Pizzonia (born November 19, 1941) is a New York mobster and captain with the Gambino crime family who was a hitman and loanshark. Pizzonia allegedly participated in several high profile murders
Jamaican centenarian, born 1916. Saw Marcus Garvey in 1928; one of the last living 'Garveyite' followers. In 2023, became the oldest living Jamaican, and the longest living Jamaican man ever
One of the oldest people in the UK. Born: 1905. During WW1, she remembers German Zeppelin airships flying over London, during one of the first ever air bombing raids. She lives in Bristol, UK
3 war vet-ww2/korea/nam-Retired COMMAND SGT. MAJOR- LZ X-RAY 1965. Depicted in the movie We Were Soldiers starring Mel Gibson and his character played by Sam Elliot
WWII: PTO. USS HOrnet (CV-8). Witness to the Doolittle Raiders taking off for Tokyo. He was on the Hornet from its initial launch in Norfolk, Virginia until its ultimate sinking on October 26, 1942 in the Battle of Santa Cruz
A member of the Dallas Police Department on Nov. 22/63 and on Radio Car Duty , he went first to the TSBD and then to the location of the Tippet shooting