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  1. Bishop of Ripon and Leeds
  2. Cardinal
  3. Ministry
  4. Cardinal- Archbishop Emeritus Of Palermo (Italy)
  5. Cardinal, Secretary of State of Vatican
  6. Senior Pastor of New Life Church
  7. Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church
  8. Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church
  9. Aussie christian band - Dip, Run, Turn, Serious Fun, Sun Stars Moon, Gloria
  10. 01 Templeton Award winner
  11. Cardinal
  12. Cardinal
  13. Guy Allen Penrod is a gospel music singer. He is known for his work as the lead singer of the Gaither Vocal Band, a position he held from 1994 to 2008
  14. Bishop of Gloucester
  15. Reverend, founder of Metropolitan Community Church
  16. American radio host, pastor, and broadcaster
  17. French Priest Theologian
  18. Drummer for the newsboys
  19. American Episcopal Bishop. Author. One of the first mainline religious figures to appear regularly on television
  20. Cardinal
  21. Is a Chilean prelate of the Catholic Church. He was born in Paris, France. At the age of 101, he is the oldest living Catholic bishop in the world
  22. Founder of 'The Basement'
  23. Pope of the catolic Church 1922-1939
  24. Pope of the catolic church from 1939-1958
  25. Jamaican centenarian, born 1916. Saw Marcus Garvey in 1928; one of the last living 'Garveyite' followers. In 2023, became the oldest living Jamaican, and the longest living Jamaican man ever
  26. Bishop of Wakefield
  27. Canadian Rabbi
  28. Cardinal
  29. 02 winner Templeton Award
  30. televangelist
  31. LDS (Mormon) Quorum of the Seventy, political science professor at BYU, author
  32. writer/artist
  33. Cardinal (President of Pontificio for cultre)
  34. Played by Susan Sarandon in the film 'Dead man walking'
  35. Cardinal, Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops. Cardinal - Bishop of Albano (2025-present) President of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America
  36. Bishop of Oxford
  37. Cardinal
  38. Cardinal