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StarTiger - Browsing Category Home->Historical, Scientific & Military Figures->Political Activist , A-Z Filter: K
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  1. Highly respected parasitologist, veteran of the Polish Armia Krajowa during World War II, poet, fisherman, translator and scientific administrator
  2. Former Prime Minister of Poland (2005-07)
  3. Author and political activist; created Kwanzaa in 1967
  4. Member of the Little Rock Nine; group of African-American students who enrolled in all-white Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Awarded Congressional Gold Medal in 1999
  5. Yemeni journalist and peace activist, receiver of Nobel peace prize 2011
  6. Teenager see in iconic 1967 anti-war photo by Marc Riboud, clasping a flower and gazing at bayonet-wielding soldiers. Photo was in Dec 1969 edition of Look magazine under title 'The Ultimate Confrontation: The Flower and the Bayonet.'
  7. Supercentenarian (1893-2005). One of the last living women voters of the 1920 election. Also witnessed a flight demonstration by the Wright Brothers in Indiana as a young woman
  8. Long Irish Republican Party activist. Age 104.
  9. Activist. Wife of Judge John W. Keefe
  10. Rights Activist
  11. Politician, member of Sinn Féin
  12. Political Activist, Son of Senator Edward 'Ted' Kennedy
  13. 26th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (2025-); Born on January 17, 1954
  14. American author and social entrepreneur. Served as SEO of City Year, an AmeriCorps national service program he co-founded. Led two unsuccessful campaigns for U.S. Senator from MA. Founded and worked with numerous social and political orgs
  15. David Kim  (2)
    California congressional candidate
  16. Hal King  (2)
    WWII: Tuskegee Airmen
  17. Vietnam US Army Vet 1969-1971/Assigned to LZJamie, later a artillery & the radio operator with infantry/Received Bronze Star
  18. Canadian lawyer, former president of the International Criminal Court
  19. Writer and Nazi Hunter
  20. One of the doctors who tried to save JFK's life after being shot
  21. German politician
  22. Freedom Rider
  23. Son of former German Chancelor Helmut Kohl
  24. NASA scientist and leader in the design of several robotic deep-space planetary missions.He is also an author, game developer, lecturer,photographer and environmentalist
  25. Russian female cosmonaut who was the third woman to travel to space and the first to make a long-duration spaceflight.She is now a member of the Russian parliament
  26. One of the survivors of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, August 6, 1945. He now promotes world peace
  27. American anti-war activist, United States Marine Corp veteran and writer who was paralyzed in the Vietnam War. Author of the memoir Born on the Fourth of July
  28. Puerto Rican political analyst, former husband of Governor Sila Maria Calderon, married her from 1978 to 2001
  29. Canadian author, journalist, political activist and real estate developer
  30. President of the environmental defense fund
  31. Respondent in Supreme Court case Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier(1988), that held public school student newspapers are subject to a lower level of 1A protection