American businessman, political aide and author, born 1928. RFK assistant during the 1960 JFK campaign, and first Associate Director of the Peace Corps. Later an executive for the DeLorean car and pharmaceutical companies
Retired Canadian astronaut who was the first Canadian to walk in space. An Engineer and former Royal Canadian Air Force fighter pilot, Hadfield has flown two space shuttle missions and served as commander of the International Space Station
Descendant of the Yi Dynasty (Empire of Korea) is one of two pretenders to the throne of Korea. She is a second daughter of Prince Imperial Ui of Korea, a fifth son of Emperor Gojong of Korea
Army Air Corps.1st mission firebombing mission Hamm, Germany Feb, 1945. Flew 23 missions/part 8th Air Force, Rookie crew, 1st combat mission, bomber Last plane in formation to pass over the target - position known as 'Tail End Charlie'
One of six remaining survivors from the U.S.S. Arizona as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He is supposed to be living in West Warwick R.I. according to newspaper reports
WWII: Company K, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division 'The Old Breed'. Awarded the Navy Cross for his actions on Peleliu, Palau Islands, on 15 and 16 September 1944
Frederick Duncan Michael Haldane FRS (born 14 September 1951) is a British physicist. He won the 2016 Nobel prize for physics with David J. Thouless and John Michael Kosterlitz
Political aide & businessman, White House Chief of Staff to President Richard Nixon & his consequent involvement in the Watergate scandal. His intimate role in the Watergate cover-up precipitated his resignation from government
US WWII Marine, Disney Animator (1925-2025). Fought at Iwo Jima. Later career working on Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Mary Poppins, 101 Dalmations, The Black Cauldron
American-born Israeli author/journalist. Has been active in Middle East reconciliation efforts. Chairman of Open House, an Arab-Jewish educational project in the working class town of Ramle. Featured in the 1984 documentary film Kaddish
Historian & writer of numerous books on Texas & Western history/2 Spur Awards/Texas: An Album of History: From the Frontier to Spindletop/Texas: From Spindletop through World War 2/Sam Houston/Passionate Nation: The Epic History of Texas
(Born 1925) WW2/Korea/Vietnam Veteran. Served at Guadalcanal, Pelilu, Munda, Bougainville, Korea, and Vietnam. He is believed to be the last veteran to serve before Pearl Harbor and into Vietnam
Newsmaker; was a secretary to Lt. Colonel Oliver North and a notable figure in the Iran - Contra affair. Granted immunity for testifying at the trial in 1987 and became overnight celebrity
WWII U.S. Corporal - served in the 3rd Marine Division, participating in campaigns such as Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Guam, and Iwo Jima. Witnessed the iconic flag raising atop Mount Surabachi. Purple Heart recipient
City Manager of the Armored Motor Service in Dallas , Hall arranged to have two armored trucks sent to the DPD on the morning of Nov. 24 , 1963 , to act as decoys during the transfer of Oswald
Was a 28-year-old nurse working at the hospital where President John F. Kennedy was brought after his assassination on Nov. 22, 1963, said the bullet was found between his ear and shoulder
Retired Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency/retired from the CIA after 30 years of running and managing intelligence operations in Central Eurasia and Latin America
Administrator for the Clark County Museum System in Las Vegas, NV, most called-upon expert featured on The History Channel's 'Pawn Stars', has also appeared on The History Channel's 'American Restoration'
Sixth grader at John J. Pershing Elementary in 1963, Haller filmed the Kennedy motorcade on Turtle Creek Boulevard. He shared his film publicly for the first time at the 50th anniversary of the assassination in 2013
Maj.Gen. Patrick J. Halloran is deputy director for strategic command, control and communications systems, Command, Control and Communications Systems Directorate, Joint Staff, Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington,D.C.
WW2 veteran who fought in the Battle of El Alamein in North Africa, 1942. Born: 1921. He was Germany's youngest winner of the Knight's Cross -the highest award for bravery. He is now 95 and lives in Bad Munder, near Hanover, Germany
(born 1939) is a retired United States Air Force colonel and a former deputy base commander of RAF Bentwaters, near Woodbridge, Suffolk. After serving in Vietnam, Japan and Korea, he was assigned to Bentwaters as deputy commander
Col. USAF pilot in the Berlin Airlift known as the 'candy Bomber' dropped candy to children from his plane over Berlin, flew the A-26, B-25, C-47, C-54 and C-74
Flight Steward who served on Air Force One for Kennedy through Ford. Flew JFK into Dallas, then helped tear out seats to fit the casket in after the shot. Stayed in the area with Jackie Kennedy and JFK's body during the flight back to DC.
(born 1929) is a political scientist, civil rights leader, and the W. S. Sayre Professor Emeritus of Government and Political Science at Columbia University/Most noted work is Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America
Scottish Lawyer and Nationalist (born: 1925). He is best known for his part in the removal of the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey in 1950. Now 94. Lives in the UK
WWII: British Army Major (1st King?s Dragoon Guards) who was evacuated from Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo, May/June 1940) along with 339.000 British, French and Belgian soldiers
Computer scientist, systems engineer/Director of Software Engineering Division of MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for Apollo space program. Her team's work prevented abort of Apollo 11 moon landing
WW2 Spitfire pilot and Flight Commander who received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his attacks on enemy aircraft. Born: 1916 and recently reached his 100th birthday. Lives in a care home in Ammanford, South Wales, UK
WWII: CBI. Last living member of the Merrill's Marauders, aka Unit Galahad, officially named the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), a US Army long-range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit
Writer of Military works/military historian, with a focus on the military campaigns of the United States Marine Corps, and military action in World War II
Painter, writer, lecturer, and family historian. Grandson of Oscar Hammerstein. He has devoted much of his life to studying and preserving his family's heritage and their contribution to American culture
From Dartford, Kent, One of few surviving D-Day officers/Commanded five ?flail? or ?crab? tanks, belonging to the 22 Dragoons, equipped with a boom and chains to detonate mines/one of 1st soldiers to land at Juno Beach on 6 June 1944
Civilian Conservation Corps veteran, featured in history documentaries about the CCC and the Great Depression. Also one of the last living people who travelled as a hobo during the Depression
US Mining Engineer Businessman, Diplomat (1855-1936) Close friend and advisor to Wm Taft. Also knew and advised Grant, Hayes, Roosevelt, and Coolidge as a friend
Dallas schoolgirl in 1963, Hampson saw the presidential motorcade near the corner of Main and Houston Streets. She and a friend walked to Dealey Plaza in the aftermath of the assassination
WWII - Marine Corps, 3rd Battalion, 23rd Regiment, 4th Marine Division. Battles of Saipan, Tinian, and Iwo Jima. Wounded in the legs by a thrown hand grenade on Iwo Jima, hospitalized
JFK - Secret Service agent; was one of those that were assigned to Dallas after the assassination for duties like guarding the Presidential limousine or further investigations
WWII: PTO. Anti-aircraft gunner on the USS Yorktown (CV-5, 'Fighting Lady'). Battle of the Coral Sea (May 1942), Battle of Midway (June 1942, when the Yorktown sank)
Producer, director, author, photographer and pilot. President of Handleman Filmworks. Owner of Handleman Sky Ranch. Director of the Michigan Air Guard Historical Association. Has served on more than thirty civic and charitable boards
Chemist, William 'Butch' Hanford (1908-1996) is best-known for his development of the modern system of making multipurpose material polyurethane. This method is responsible for manufacturing many of the plastics used within today's society
USMC Major General (Ret.) Flown over 3300 hours in peace, contingencies and war within the Boeing CH-46E Sea Knight Helicopter, CH-53D Sea Stallion, CH-53E Super Stallion, UH-1N Huey, AH-1W Cobra and Bell - Boeing MV-22 Osprey Tiltrotor aircraft
WWII:: PTO. B-29 flight engineer 398th Bomb Squadron, 504th Bomb Group, 20th AF. Flew firebombing mission against Japan (incl. Operation Meetinghouse, 9th March 1945) to targets like Tokoy, Nagoya, Kobe. Shot down March 27, 1945
Author, scientist and public health advocate whose research exposed the Flint water crisis. Her book What the Eyes Don't See, was named 1 of the NY Times 100 most notable books of the year. Founded the Pediatric Public Health Initiative
Professor of economics. In 2013, he was awarded the The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel - Nobel Prize in Economics, jointly with Robert J. Shiller and Eugene Fama
WWII: One of the last 'Rats of Tobruk'. The Rats of Tobruk was the name given to the soldiers of the garrison who held the Libyan port of Tobruk against Rommel's Afrika Corps, during the Siege of Tobruk, Lybia
WWII TBF Avenger torpedo dive bomber pilot. Battle of Midway and the Battle of Guadalcanal. Torpedo Squadron 8. Received two Navy Crosses and three Air Medals. Featured in book, 'A Dawn Like Thunder.'
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
Chinese engineer, scientist and supercentenarian. He is a pioneer in the field of food science and industrial fermentation and has contributed to food industry development in China through nearly 8 decades of work
Samurai of the sky/Japanese Zero Pilot WW2/19 Victories/Public Speaker/Imperial Japanese Navy, and graduated from the service's 35th fighter pilot course/Lives @ NAGANO, Japan/
WWII/Korean War - RAF pilot, later holding senior command roles in the RAF; author of a noted technical report that evaluated the performance and tactics of jet combat during the Korean War.
Bell X-1 PILOT, Early experimental research test pilot for the X-1 aircraft, and program manager for the Lifting Body program! Survived crash landing in F-94C in 1954
Doug witnessed both President Kennedy's inauguration and funeral and later advocated for a local memorial to the late president that was realized in 2012
Pioneering stewardess and WWII nurse, born 1916. Special duty nurse for Air Force Gen. Hap Arnold, after having been one of Delta's first ever stewardesses from 1940-43
WWII - Co-pilot of the B-17 "Big Yank", 483rd Bombardment Group, 840th Bombardment Sq. Base: Sterparone, Italy; on March 24, 1945, they flew the longest escorted European bombing mission to Berlin, credited for destroying 3 Me-262's
Journalist/author. Known chiefly for anti-war activist during Vietnam War. Notably as leading opponent of Draft. 1967 Harris found organization called the Resistance, which persuaded men of draft age to refuse to cooperate with Selective Service System
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
US Politician, Tenn. (1818-97) House 1849-53, Gov. of TN 1857-62 and then its Confederate Gov.; US Senate 1877-97. In a split state, responsible for its Confederate alliance, sending troops and acting on the staffs of Southern Generals
(Born 1949) US Army Vietnam Veteran. Served as a rifleman with Company D, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment in South Vietnam. Captured as a POW in June 1969 and was a POW for 135 days until being released by his captors
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
Wife Tuskegee Airman/NASA's highest ranking black female in 1973 when she was fired for seeking equal opportunity for blacks at NASA/Author 'The Harlem Princess'
Former Corporal of Horse (CoH) of the Household Cavalry of the British Armed Forces. He holds the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill in combat, at a range of 2,475 m (2,707 yd)
WWII: D-Day. USS Augusta (task force flagship at Omaha Beach). Also in the Arctic Circle and the Mediterranean Sea. Had dinner with President Truman onboard the Augusta
WWII: Survivor of the failed Operation Jubilee ('Dieppe Raid') on 19 August 1942, when 60% of the mostly Canadian landing force were either killed, wounded or captured. Canada's oldest and longest-serving officer
Born John Stewart Hart in New Brunswick, Canada, 1916; WWII Battle of Britain pilot, one of only 7 remaining. Reported to be living in Canada as of 2015
Witnessed the murder of David Blakely by Ruth Ellis outside the Magdala Pub in London in 1955. He was 8 years old at the time when he heard the shot that lead to Ruth Ellis, being the last woman to be hanged in Britain. He lives in the UK
British economist and the Andrew E. Furer Professor of Economics at Harvard University. Together with Bengt R. Holmström, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2016
NASA research pilot. Flies the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), a modified Boeing 747SP with the worldâ-?s largest airborne astronomical observatory
American astronomer, author, and writer who was the first person to convince the mainstream science that the Earth had once been hit by a planet sized body (Thea), creating both the moon and the Earth's 23° tilt. He also has an asteroid named after hi
Pioneer military aviator who survived 10 days in Alaska's wilderness after crashing in around-the-world flight attempt in 1924/1941 commanded an around-the-world flight of 24,600 miles set record of 121 hours & 55 minute
American serial killer who claims to have murdered 87 people. The official estimates of the number of people he murdered range anywhere from at least 37 to 57 deaths
WW2 Marine/Served in Iwo Jima, Bougainville, Vella Lavella & Solomon Islands Campaigns/Silver Star Recipient/95 Years old in 2019/Loves the Marine Core with a passion
Super Centenarian oldest person in Saga Prefecture, Japan. 2nd oldest person in the world born 11/20/1896. One of three people living born in the year 1896
American intelligence officer, serving as the acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency. She joined the CIA in 1985. February 2017 she was appointed by President Donald Trump as Deputy Director of the CIA, and March 2018 Director
British computer scientist, artificial intelligence researcher. Hassabis and John M. Jumper were awarded half of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with for their protein folding predictions
Leading German oceanographer and climate modeller. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Hamburg and former Director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. He was awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics
Child Actor, WWII Vet Appeared in 1921 Charlie Chaplin film 'The Kid' playing The Kid as an even younger kid/Tank mechanic with the 2nd Armored Hell on Wheels Division
American real estate investor, author and philanthropist from NYC. Along with his now ex-wife Jane Rosenthal, and Robert De Niro, he co-founded the Tribeca Film Festival and the Tribeca Film Institute. Chairman of Turtle Pond Publications
Vietnam vet, born 1943. Team leader of the UDT-11 frogmen who recovered the Apollo 11 Command Module. He opened the hatch and shook the hand of Neil Armstrong, the first out, welcoming him back home. He then scrubbed each astronaut with a disinfectant
Philanthropist. World War 2 Colonel under President Eisenhower.Founder of the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies.And Grace Hauenstein Library. Author of book 'Intelligence Was My Line: Inside Eisenhower's Other Command'. Born: 03/20/1912
Writer from California. After graduating from the University of California, Berkeley, he attended Oxford University and started speechwriting as an intern in the Obama White House. He went on to join the U.S. Department of State's Policy
WWII: PTO. Served on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17); survived the Kamikaze attack on May 11, 1945 (Battle of Okinawa) when 390 sailors and airmen were killed and 264 wounded
Canadian clergyman. Since 1977, he has served as Senior Pastor of Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, a vibrant, inclusive & progressive church openly affirming for LGBT parishioners, & is one of Canada's leading gay rights activists
British born marine engineer and submarine designer.He also designed the one-man microsubmersible Mantis, which he himself piloted in the James Bond film 'For Your Eyes Only'. As late as 2007, he held the world solo dive record of 3,000 feet (910 m)
Korean War: One of the 'Non-Repatriated 23' who didn't return to the US after the end of the Korean War. Most ended up returning to the US; a maximum of 7 are still alive
Pioneering Gay Rights activist (1912-2002). 'Father of the Gay Rights Movement', co-founded The Mattachine Society in 1950. Also an activist for labor, communist, and Native American issues
UK WWII Army vet, born 1925. Reached Normandy weeks after D-Day, unit surrounded by German forces, taken POW for 10 months. Forced labor in a Polish coal mine, then marched for weeks until US Army arrived to free them
Killam professor of Medical Genetics at the University of British Columbia and Canada Research Chair in Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Hayden is best known for his research in Huntington disease (HD)
General Counsel as well as the interim President and CEO of the NAACP in 2005 and from 2007 to 2008/Criticized George W. Bush's Social Security reform proposals & Major League Baseball's recruitment efforts of black baseball players
WWII veteran, last known survivor of the Coast Guard's USS Taney, which responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor, though the Taney itself was stationed near Honolulu when the attack began
JFK - Motorcycle cop that rode several cars behind JFK on Nov. 22, 1963; not yet on Elm Street when JFK was shot; pictured in several photos running up the Grassy Knoll immediately after the assassination, meets James Tague, later at TSBD
WWII: 159th Port Company. Served as a cook in Port Moresby, Australia, before a reassignment to New Hebrides. As of July 2019, Haymon is the second oldest WWII veteran in America, having been born 8 November 1909
US Marines, WWII/Chinese Civil War/Korea/Vietnam, born 1930. Enlisting in 1945, he was sent to China to help return Japanese soldiers at wars end, and then to Okinawa to rid remaining (and still fighting) Japanese there
T. Cullen Davis Murder Trial Lawyer, involved in landmark cases such as The State of Texas v. John Hill (a basis for the book Blood and Money), and the notorious T. Cullen Davis murder trial. He also represented Morganna, a.k.a. 'The Kissing Bandit.'
B. February 16, 1920 was the first woman in the U.S. Military to be promoted to a general officer rank. She was promoted on June 11, 1970, after being appointed by President Richard Nixon on May 15, of that year.
US Navy, Vietnam era, born 1947. Met Navy vet husband while working at a stateside shipyard, soon married. Pregnant, successfully fought against then-mandatory immediate dismissal for any pregnant vet. Worked until birth was close
Vietnam era US Navy vet (1965-71), born 1948. Served on the USS North Hampton, working on global communication innovations and improvements during the Vietnam War. Palmyra, NY town historian with his Navy vet wife
Along with her boyfriend Jens Soering both killed Haysom's parents In March 1985, Haysom's parents Derek and Nancy were murdered and Jens Soering and Elizabeth Haysom were arrested in England the following year. Initially both claimed to be guilty of the
Vietnam - Last Flight From Da Nang, pilot. Ken is the pilot of the famous 'Last Flight from Da Nang' on March 29, 1975, when World Airways owner Ed Daly took his 727-100 to Da Nang which had become Vietcong-controlled
Author of The Great Dissent, which won the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award and the Hugh M. Hefner Free Speech Award. Professor of law at Seton Hall Law School
(January 27, 1908 - May 14, 1993), Pulitzer Prize-winning editor-in-chief of Hearst Newspapers/Won a Pulitzer Prize for his interview with Soviet premier, Nikita Khrushchev/Son of publisher William Randolph Hearst
American chemist noted for the discovery and development of the Heck reaction, which uses palladium to catalyze organic chemical reactions. Nobel Prize in Chemistry o2010
WWII - Pearl Harbor survivor, 7 December 1941. USS West Virginia (BB-48); one of two men who survived the direct hit of a Japanese bomb on Turret No. 3; lived through 13 sea battles in World War II; saw combat in the Korean War
(Born 1946) US Navy Vietnam Veteran. While serving aboard the USS Canberra, Hegdahl was blown overboard off the deck of the ship in the Gulf of Tonkin and was taken as a Prisoner of War by the North Vietnamese. POW from 1967 to 1969
US Marine, 2 Vietnam tours of duty. Stationed on the USS Hornet in 1969 during it's Apollo 11 recovery, served as a guard of the crew and later,
the command module. Held a rifle at attention as Nixon welcomed the quarantined crew back
WWII: 32nd Bomb Squadron, 301st Bomb Broup; Herbert Heilbrun piloted a B-17 Flying Fortress and was escorted by the Tuskegee Airmen. 32 missions including Linz, Austria, and Brux, Czechoslovakia, After the war test pilot at Wright Field, Dayton Ohio
WWII: Pearl Harbor survivor. Army Air Corps, 31st Bomb Squadron, Hickam Field. Then B-17 pilot Europe. 78 fighter-unsupported missions over Italy, Austria, Hungary, Germany (Leader for the 2nd Bombd Group, 20th Squ). DFC, Purple Heart
Claims the Pattinson / Gimlin 1967 Bigfoot footage a hoax, Claims to have appeared in the famous video dressed as Bigfoot, now retired and living in Yakima, Washington
American aeronautical engineer who worked on several development projects for Boeing and NASA, including serving a head of the Boeing Lunar Orbiter 1 team (wich produced the famous 'Earthrise' photograph)
American author, speaker and leadership coach. In 1995 she published The Web of Inclusion: A New Architecture for Building Great Organizations, which has been heralded as having introduced the language of inclusion into the work environment
Uprising of 1953 in East Germany (on June 17, 1954)
Witness to the revolt because he is one of two figures caught in an archive photo of young men hurling stones against the Soviet tanks
Plaintiff in the landmark case Heller vs District of Columbia, the first Supreme Court case to decide whether the 2nd Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms for self-defense
WWII: Battle of the Atlantic. He survived the sinking of the USS Block Island (CVE-21) that was the only US aircraft carrier sunk by Nazi Germany on 29 May 1944 by U-549 by 3 torpedo hits
Super Bowl Sunday 1969 he hijacked United Airlines flight to Havana. A former Green Beret, his mission to get Fidel Castro. Reds boarded a 727 from Miami forced pilot to fly to Cuba. He had the pilot send a message, 'Tell Fidel, El Rojo is coming.'
WWII: PTO. USS McFarland, USS Bradford. He was aboard the USS McFarland on the night of Dec. 6, 1941. On the night watch, he reported a flare no one could identify (now thought to be from a Japanese mini-sub assisting the Pearl attack)
Ret. Lt. General of the United States Air Force and a former NASA astronaut. STS-54 (1993) ,STS-64 (1994) , STS-78(1996) ,STS-101 (2001) - ExpediciÃ-³n 2 (2001)
JFK/John F. Kennedy/ One of the last people on the face of the Earth to see President Kennedy alive.? Student in Oak Cliff in 1963. She saw the Kennedy motorcade on Main Street
WW2 Battle of Britain pilot. He is now the last verified surviving aircrew of the Battle of Britain. He lives in a retirement home near Dublin, born 17-07-1919
Civil Rights/was in the forefront of the civil rights battle as he bravely stepped up to participate in the sit - in at the Woolworth?s diner. 1960 Woolworth lunch counter sit in
Scottish molecular biologist and biophysicist and pioneer in the field of electron microscopy of biological molecules. He shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017 with Jacques Dubochet and Joachim Frank
Like witnesses Carolyn Walther and Arnold Rowland , Ruby saw two men on the sixth floor of the TSBD five minutes before President Kennedy was shot , one of whom had a rifle