President/CEO and founder of 'Answers in Genesis' (host of the radio show of the same name), and the CEO of The Creation Museum in Indiana, also christian speaker
Speaker and author of a number of books and is most widely known for 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye'.For ten years, he served as the Senior Pastor of Covenant Life Church. Founder of Clear & Loud
Theologian, former President of Notre Dame. Wrote two great books God, Country Notre Dame the Autobiography of Theodore M. Hesburgh and Travels with Ted and Ned
US WWII Navy (1923-2024) Second last survivor of the USS Yorktown sinking at Midway, thrown 30 feet across a boiler room, badly injured and discharged from service to recuperate. 60 year career as a pastor and chaplain
Sr. Servant Pastor at the 'New' Union Baptist Church-Preacher, Teacher, Life/Career Coach, author of four books including From the Cradle to the Grave: What's Happening to Your Youth?