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StarTiger - Browsing Category Home->Performing Arts->Editor , A-Z Filter: H
Browsing Category Home->Performing Arts->Editor , A-Z Filter: H
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  1. Film Editor
  2. Film Editor
  3. Film editor worked on many TV shows from the 50's to 70's including Ironside, It Takes a Thief and Green Acres
  4. Alex Hall  (3)
  5. Film Editor
  6. Film Editor
  7. Film Editor
  8. Film Editor
  9. Film Editor
  10. Editor, born: ?, active from the 60s - 90s, e.g. Bonanza, High Chaparral, In the heat of the night (series)
  11. Film Editor
  12. Film Editor
  13. Film Editor
  14. Film Editor
  15. Film Editor - Highlander: The Source, AVP: Alien vs. Predator
  16. Born 19.02.1992, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany Director,Writer and Producer her first book was Axolotl Roadkill lives in Berlin
  17. Mark Helfrich  (2)
    Film Editor & Director
  18. Editor
  19. Bill Henry  (2)
  20. Film Editor
  21. Film Editor
  22. Film Editor
  23. Animation production asst at ruby-spears
  24. Film Editor
  25. Film Editor
  26. film director/editor (star wars, emp. strikes back, carrie)
  27. Film Editor
  28. Cinamatographer. Director, camera man and editor of Never Not Funny the podcast hosted by Jimmy Pardo, replacement of Andrew Koenig
  29. Doctor Who
  30. Film Editor
  31. Editor
  32. Editor
  33. Cars,Brave
  34. Film Editor
  35. Editor
  36. Editor
  37. Film Editor
  38. Editor
  39. Film Director - On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Shout At The Devil, Death Hunt, Wild Geese 2. Editor - Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, The Ipcress File, Sink The Bismarck!, There Was A Crooked Man, Call Me Bwana, Arthur! Arthur!, Night Games
  40. Film Editor
  41. Film Editor worked on Dead Poets Society, Braveheart, Blade Runner and others